nLab Booij premetric space


This entry is about the family of binary relations indexed by the positive rational numbers defined by Auke Booij in Analysis in univalent type theory. For the family of binary relations indexed by the non-negative rational numbers defined by Fred Richman in Real numbers and other completions, see Richman premetric space.


1. Idea

A more general concept of metric space by Auke Booij. While Auke Booij simply called these structures “premetric spaces”, there are multiple notions of premetric spaces in the mathematical literature, so we shall refer to these as Booij premetric spaces.

2. Definition

A Booij premetric space is a set SS with a ternary relation a ϵba \sim_\epsilon b for aSa \in S, bSb \in S, and ϵ +\epsilon \in \mathbb{Q}_+, where +\mathbb{Q}_+ represent the positive rational numbers in \mathbb{Q}.

Booij premetric spaces are used as in the construction of the Cauchy real numbers and the HoTT book real numbers.

Uniform Booij premetric spaces

A Booij premetric space is uniform if

  1. for every positive rational number ϵ +\epsilon \in \mathbb{Q}_+ and aSa \in S, a ϵaa \sim_\epsilon a

  2. for every positive rational number ϵ +\epsilon \in \mathbb{Q}_+, there exists a positive rational number δ +\delta \in \mathbb{Q}_+ such that for every aSa \in S, bSb \in S, and cSc \in S, if a ϵba \sim_\epsilon b and b ϵcb \sim_\epsilon c, then a δca \sim_\delta c.

  3. For every positive rational number ϵ +\epsilon \in \mathbb{Q}_+, there exists a positive rational number δ +\delta \in \mathbb{Q}_+ such that for every aSa \in S and bSb \in S, if a ϵba \sim_\epsilon b, then b δab \sim_\delta a.

  4. There is a positive rational number ϵ +\epsilon \in \mathbb{Q}_+ and elements aSa \in S and bSb \in S such that a ϵba \sim_\epsilon b.

  5. If there are positive rational numbers ϵ +\epsilon \in \mathbb{Q}_+ and δ +\delta \in \mathbb{Q}_+, then there is a positive rational number η +\eta \in \mathbb{Q}_+ such that for every element aSa \in S and bSb \in S, if a ηba \sim_\eta b, then a ϵba \sim_\epsilon b and a δba \sim_\delta b.

  6. If there is a positive rational number ϵ +\epsilon \in \mathbb{Q}_+, then there is a positive rational number δ +\delta \in \mathbb{Q}_+ such that for all aSa \in S and bSb \in S, if a ϵba \sim_\epsilon b, then a δba \sim_\delta b.

3. Generalizations

Booij premetric spaces could be generalized from the positive rational numbers +\mathbb{Q}_+ to any set TT. The binary relation U\sim_U for each element UTU \in T is called an entourage. These are called TT-premetric spaces and are sets SS with a ternary relation a Uba \sim_U b for aSa \in S, bSb \in S, and UTU \in T. These could also be used to construct the HoTT book real numbers if one only has an integral subdomain RR \subseteq \mathbb{Q} such as the dyadic rational numbers or the decimal rational numbers, where the index set TT is R +R_+ rather than +\mathbb{Q}_+.

Uniform spaces

Seven axioms are usually added to a TT-premetric spaces, to get different variants of a uniform space.

  1. for every element UTU \in T and aSa \in S, a Uaa \sim_U a

  2. for every element UTU \in T, there exists an element VTV \in T such that for every aSa \in S, bSb \in S, and cSc \in S, if a Vba \sim_V b and b Vcb \sim_V c, then a Uca \sim_U c.

  3. For every element UTU \in T, there exists an element VTV \in T such that for every aSa \in S and bSb \in S, if a Vba \sim_V b, then b Uab \sim_U a.

  4. There is an element UTU \in T and elements aSa \in S and bSb \in S such that a Uba \sim_U b.

  5. If there are element UTU \in T and VTV \in T, then there is an element WTW \in T such that for every element aSa \in S and bSb \in S, if a Wba \sim_W b, then a Uba \sim_U b and a Vba \sim_V b.

  6. If there is an element UTU \in T, then there is an element VTV \in T such that for all aSa \in S and bSb \in S, if a Uba \sim_U b, then a Vba \sim_V b.

  7. For every element UTU \in T, there exists an element VTV \in T such that for all elements aSa \in S and bSb \in S, a Uba \sim_U b or ¬(a Vb)\neg (a \sim_V b).

Examples of these structures include

 Euclidean spaces

Let RR be an ordered integral domain, and let VV be a finite rank RR-module with basis X:Fin(n)VX:\mathrm{Fin}(n) \to V and positive definite bilinear inner product ,:V×VR\langle -, -\rangle:V \times V \to R, where X i,X j=δ i j\langle X_i, X_j \rangle = \delta_i^j and δ () ():Fin(n)×Fin(n)R\delta_{(-)}^{(-)}:\mathrm{Fin}(n) \times \mathrm{Fin}(n) \to R is the Kronecker delta indexed by Fin(n)\mathrm{Fin}(n).

We define the Euclidean premetric a ϵba \sim_\epsilon b indexed by aVa \in V, bVb \in V, and ϵR +\epsilon \in R_+ as

a ϵb i=0 n1ab,X i 2<ϵ 2a \sim_\epsilon b \coloneqq \sum_{i = 0}^{n - 1} \langle a - b, X_i\rangle^2 \lt \epsilon^2

which makes VV an Euclidean space.

4. Convergence

Every TT-premetric space is a generalised sequential space with the convergence relation xbx \to b between sequences xx and elements bb true if and only if for all elements UTU \in T, there exists a natural number NN \in \mathbb{N} such that for all natural numbers nNn \geq N, x n Ubx_n \sim_U b.

Given a TT-premetric space (S,)(S, \sim) and a sequence x:Sx:\mathbb{N} \to S, a modulus of Cauchy convergence is a function M:TM:T \to \mathbb{N} such that for all elements UTU \in T and for all natural numbers mM(ϵ)m \geq M(\epsilon) and nM(ϵ)n \geq M(\epsilon), x m Ux nx_m \sim_U x_n.

A TT-premetric space SS is sequentially Cauchy complete if every Cauchy sequence has a unique limit. A TT-premetric space SS is sequentially modulated Cauchy complete if every sequence with a modulus of Cauchy convergence has a unique limit.

All this could be generalised to nets, since every TT-premetric space is also a generalised net space with the convergence relation xbx \to b between nets xx and elements bb true if and only if for all elements UTU \in T and directed sets II, there exists an element NIN \in I such that for all elements nNn \geq N, x n Ubx_n \sim_U b.

5. See also

6. References

  • Auke B. Booij, Analysis in univalent type theory (pdf)

Last revised on November 18, 2024 at 13:51:48. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.