topology (point-set topology, point-free topology)
see also differential topology, algebraic topology, functional analysis and topological homotopy theory
Basic concepts
fiber space, space attachment
Extra stuff, structure, properties
Kolmogorov space, Hausdorff space, regular space, normal space
sequentially compact, countably compact, locally compact, sigma-compact, paracompact, countably paracompact, strongly compact
Basic statements
closed subspaces of compact Hausdorff spaces are equivalently compact subspaces
open subspaces of compact Hausdorff spaces are locally compact
compact spaces equivalently have converging subnet of every net
continuous metric space valued function on compact metric space is uniformly continuous
paracompact Hausdorff spaces equivalently admit subordinate partitions of unity
injective proper maps to locally compact spaces are equivalently the closed embeddings
locally compact and second-countable spaces are sigma-compact
Analysis Theorems
analysis (differential/integral calculus, functional analysis, topology)
metric space, normed vector space
open ball, open subset, neighbourhood
convergence, limit of a sequence
compactness, sequential compactness
continuous metric space valued function on compact metric space is uniformly continuous
A net in a set is a function from a directed set to . Special cases of nets are sequences, for which is the natural numbers. Regarded as a generalization of sequences, nets are used in topology for formalization of the concept of convergence.
Nets are also called Moore–Smith sequences and are equivalent (in a certain sense) to proper filters (def. below), their eventuality filters (def. below).
The concept of nets is motivated from the fact that where plain sequences detect topological properties in metric spaces, in generally they fail to do so in more general topological spaces. For example sequentially compact metric spaces are equivalently compact metric spaces, but for general topological spaces being sequentially compact neither implies nor is implied by being compact (see at sequentially compact space Examples and counter-examples).
Inspection of these counter-examples reveals that the problem is that sequences indexed by the natural numbers may be “too short” in that they cannot go deep enough into uncountable territory, and they are “too slim” in that they proceed to their potential limiting point only from one direction, instead of from many at once. The use of general directed sets for nets in place of just the natural numbers for sequences fixes these two issues.
And indeed, as opposed to sequences, nets do detect
the Hausdorff property (prop. below),
compactness (prop. below).
While the concept of nets is similar to that of sequences, one gets a cleaner theory still by considering not the nets themselves but their “filters of subsets which they eventually meet” (def. below), called their eventuality filters (def. below). For example equivalent filters are equal (in contrast to nets) and (unless in predicative mathematics) the set of filters on a set is small (not a proper class).
A directed set is
such that
(directed set of natural numbers)
The natural numbers with their canonical lower-or-equal relation form a directed set (def. ).
The key class of examples of nets, underlying their relation to topology (below) is the following:
(directed set of neighbourhoods)
Let be a topological space and let be an element of the underlying set. Then then set of neighbourhoods of , ordered by reverse inclusion, is a directed set (def. ).
Let and be two directed sets (def. ). Then the Cartesian product of the underlying sets becomes itself a directed set by setting
For a set, then a net in is
a directed set (def. ), called the index set,
a function from (the underlying set of) to .
We say that indexes the net.
A sequence is a net (def. ) whose directed set of indices is the natural numbers (example ).
Although the index set in def. , being a directed set, is equipped with a preorder, the function is not required to preserve this in any way. This forms an exception to the rule of thumb that a preordered set may be replaced by its quotient poset.
You can get around this if you instead define a net in as a multi-valued function from a partially ordered directed set to . Although there is not much point to doing this in general, it can make a difference if you put restrictions on the possibilities for , in particular if you consider the definition of sequence. In some type-theoretic foundations of mathematics, you can get the same effect by defining a net to be an ‘operation’ (a prefunction, like a function but not required to preserve equality). On the other hand, every net with domain is equivalent (in the sense of having the same eventuality filter) to a net with domain , made into a partial order by defining iff and or and .
(eventually and frequently)
Consider net (def. ), and given a subset . We say that
is eventually in if there exists such that for every .
is frequently in if for every index , then for some .
Sometimes one says ‘infinitely often’ in place of ‘frequently’ in def. and even ‘cofinitely often’ in place of ‘eventually’; these derive from the special case of sequences, where they may be taken literally.
(convergence of nets)
Let be a topological space, and let be a net in the underlying set (def. ).
We say that the net
converges to an element if given any neighbourhood of , is eventually in (def. ); such is called a limit point of the net;
clusters at if, for every neighbourhood of , is frequently in (also def. ); such is called a cluster point of the net.
Beware that limit points of nets, according to def. , need not be unique. They are guaranteed to be unique in Hausdorff spaces, see prop. below.
The definition of the concept of sub-nets of a net requires some care. The point of the definition is to ensure that prop. below becomes true, which states that compact spaces are equivalently those for which every net has a converging subnet.
There are several different definitions of ‘subnet’ in the literature, all of which intend to generalise the concept of subsequences. We state them now in order of increasing generality. Note that it is Definition which is correct in that it corresponds precisely to refinement of filters. However, the other two definitions (def. , def. ) are sufficient (in a sense made precise by theorem below) and may be easier to work with.
(Willard, 1970).
Given a net with index set , and a net with an index set , we say that is a subnet of if:
We have a function such that
(Kelley, 1955).
Given a net with index set , and a net with an index set , we say that is a subnet of if:
We have a function such that
Notice that the function in definitions and is not required to be an injection, and it need not be. As a result, a sequence regarded as a net in general has more sub-nets than it has sub-sequences.
(Smiley, 1957; Årnes & Andenæs, 1972).
Given a net with index set , and a net with an index set , we say that is a subnet of if:
The eventuality filter of (def. ) refines the eventuality filter of . (Explicitly, for every there is a such that, for every there is an such that .)
The equivalence between these definitions is as follows:
So from the perspective of definition (), there are enough ()-subnets and ()-subnets, up to equivalence.
Recall that:
Given a set then a set of subsets of , hence a subset of the power set
is called a filter of subsets if it is closed under intersections and under taking supersets.
The filter is called proper if each set in it is inhabited.
Let be a set and let be a net in (def. ).
The eventuality filter of the net is the filter (def. ) onsisting of the subsets that is eventually in, according to def. .
(equivalence of nets)
Two nets are to be considered equivalent if they have the same eventuality filter according to def. . By def. and theorem , this means equivalently that they are both subnets of each other.
In particular, equivalent nets define the same logical quantifiers (see below) and are therefore indeed equivalent for the application to topology (see below).
(Of course, it is possible to distinguish them by using the standard logical quantifiers instead.)
Conversely, every filter is the eventuality filter of some net:
(nets from filters)
Let be a set and let be a filter of subsets of (def. ). Ss Consider the disjoint union of subsets in , hence the set whose elements are pairs of the form , where . Equipped with the ordering
the fact that is a proper filter implies that this is a directed set according to def. . (It is actually enough to use only a base of the filters).
Then the filter net of is the net on (def. ) given by
Given a set and a filter of subsets (def. ), then is the eventuality filter (def. ) of its filter net (def. ).
For a related notion of filternet in a set X, see this post
We discuss that nets detect:
the Hausdorff property (prop. below),
compactness (prop. below).
(topology detected by nets)
Using the axiom of choice then:
Let be a topological space. Then a subset is open in (is an element of ) precisely if its complement is a closed subset as seen not just by sequences but by nets, in that no net with elements in , , converges to an element in .
In one direction, let be open, and consider a net . We need to show that for every point , is not a limiting point of the net.
But by assumption then is a neighbourhood of which does not contain any element of the net, and so by definition of convergence it is not a limit of this net.
Conversely, let be a subset that is not open. We need to show that then there exists a net that converges to a point in .
For , consider the directed set of open neighbourhoods of this element (example ). Now the fact that the set is not open means that there exists an element such that every open neighbourhood of intersects . This means that we may choose elements , and hence define a net
But by construction this net has the property that for every neighbourhood of there exists such that for all then , namely . Hence the net converges to .
(continuous functions detected by nets)
Let and be two topological space. Then a function between their underlying sets is continuous precisely if for every net that converges to some limit point (def. ), the image net converges to .
In one direction, suppose that is continuous, and that converges to some . We need to show that converges to , hence that for every neighbourhood there exists such that for all .
But since is continuous, the pre-image is an open neighbourhood of , and so by the assumption that converges there is an such that for all . By applying , this is the required statement.
We give two proofs of the other direction.
proof 1
Assuming excluded middle,
Conversely, suppose that is not continuous. We need to find a net that converges to some , and show that does not converge to . (This is the contrapositive of the reverse implication, and by excluded middle equivalent to it.)
Now that is not continuous means that there exists an open subset such that the pre-image is not open. By prop. this means that there exists a net in that converges to an element . But this means that is a net in the , which is a closed subset by the assumption that is open. Again by prop. this means that converges to an element in , and hence not to .
proof 2 (not using excluded middle)
Assume for every net that converges to some limit point , the image net converges to . It is sufficient to prove that is continuous.
Let be open. It is sufficient to prove that is open.
Let be a net with range contained in . Let be a limit point of . By , it is sufficient to prove that .
By our assumption, and since converges to , converges to . So by , since is open, . So .
It is possible to define elementary conditions on this convergence relation that characterise whether it is topological (that is whether it comes from a topology on ), although these are a bit complicated.
By keeping only the simple conditions, one gets the definition of a convergence space; this is a more general concept than a topological space and includes many non-topological situations where we want to say that a sequence converges to some value (such as convergence in measure).
(Hausdorff property detected by nets)
Assuming excluded middle and the axiom of choice, then:
A topological space is Hausdorff topological space precisely if no net in (def. ) converges to two distinct limit points (def. ).
In one direction, assume that is a Hausdorff space, and that is a net in which has limits points . We need to show that then .
Assume on the contrary that the two points were different, . By assumption of Hausdorffness, these would then have disjoint open neighbourhoods , i.e. . By definition of convergence, there would thus be such that and . Moreover, by the definition of directed set, this would imply with , and hence that . This is in contradiction to the emptiness of the intersection, and hence we have a proof by contradiction.
Conversely, assume that is not a Hausdorff space. We need to show that then there exists a net in with two distinct limit points.
That is not Hausdorff means that there are two distinct points such that every open neighbourhood of intersects every open neighbourhood of . Hence we may choose elements in these intersections
Consider the directed neighbourhood sets and of these two points (example ) and their directed Cartesian product set (example ) . The above elements then define a net
We conclude by claiming that and are both limit points of this net. We show this for , the argument for is directly analogous:
Let be an open neighbourhood of . We need to find an element such that for all then .
Take and take . Then by construction
(compact spaces are equivalently those for which every net has a converging subnet)
Assuming excluded middle and the axiom of choice, then:
A topological space is compact precisely if every net in (def. ) has a sub-net (def. ) that converges (def. ).
We break up the proof into that of lemmas and :
(in a compact space, every net has a convergent subnet)
Let be a compact topological space. Then every net in has a convergent subnet.
Let be a net. We need to show that there is a subnet which converges.
For consider the topological closures of the sets of elements of the net beyond some fixed index:
Observe that the set and hence also the set has the finite intersection property, by the fact that is a directed set. Therefore this prop. implies from the assumption of being compact that the intersection of all the is non-empty, hence that there is an element
In particular every neighbourhood of intersects each of the , and hence also each of the . By definition of the , this means that for every there exists such that , hence that is a cluster point (def ) of the net.
We will now produce a sub-net
that converges to this cluster point. To this end, we first need to build the domain directed set . Take it to be the sub-directed set of the Cartesian product directed set (example ) of with the directed neighbourhood set of (example )
on those pairs such that the element of the net indexed by the first component is contained in the second component:
It is clear is a preordered set. We need to check that it is indeed directed, in that every pair of elements , has a common upper bound . Now since itself is directed, there is an upper bound , and since is a cluster point of the net there is moreover an such that . Hence with we have obtained the required pair.
Next take the function to be given by
This is clearly order preserving, and it is cofinal since it is even a surjection. Hence we have defined a subnet .
It now remains to see that converges to , hence that for every open neighbourhood of we may find such that for all with and then . Now by the nature of there exists some with , and hence if we take then nature of implies that with then .
Assuming excluded middle, then:
Let be a topological space. If every net in has a subnet that converges, then is a compact topological space.
By excluded middle we may equivalently prove the contrapositive: If is not compact, then not every net in has a convergent subnet.
Hence assume that is not compact. We need to produce a net without a convergent subnet.
Again by excluded middle, then by this prop. not being compact means equivalently that there exists a set of closed subsets satisfying the finite intersection property, but such that their intersection is empty: .
Consider then , the set of finite subsets of . By the assumption that satisfies the finite intersection property, we may choose for each an element
Now regarded as a preordered set under inclusion of subsets is clearly a directed set, with an upper bound of two finite subsets given by their union. Therefore we have defined a net
We will show that this net has no converging subnet.
Assume on the contrary that there were a subnet
which converges to some .
By the assumption that , there would exist an such that , and because is a closed subset, there would exist even an open neighbourhood of such that . This would imply that for all .
Now since the function defining the subset is cofinal, there would exist such that . Moreover, by the assumption that the subnet converges, there would also be such that . Since is directed, there would then be an upper bound of these two elements. This hence satisfies both as well as . But the latter of these two means that is not in , which is a contradiction to the former. Thus we have a proof by contradiction.
A property of elements of a set (given by the subset of those elements of satisfying this property) may be applied to nets in .
Being eventually in , def. , is a weakening of being always in (given by the universal quantifier ), while being frequently in is a strengthening of being sometime in (given by the particular quantifier ). Indeed we can build a formal logic out of these. Use or to mean that a predicate in is eventually true, and use or to mean that is frequently true. Then we have:
and other analogues of theorems from predicate logic. Note that the last item listed requires excluded middle even though its analogue from ordinary predicate logic does not.
A similar logic is satisfied by ‘almost everywhere’ and its dual (‘not almost nowhere’ or ‘somewhere significant’) in measure spaces.
A textbook account is in
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Last revised on March 8, 2025 at 00:21:40. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.