nLab Grothendieck duality

Grothendieck duality

Grothendieck duality


Given a homomorphism ff of schemes, one says that it satisfies Grothendieck duality if the (derived) direct image functor f *f_\ast on quasicoherent sheaves has a (derived) right adjoint f !f^!. This is Verdier duality in a “Grothendieck context” of six operations.

Grothendieck duality is intimately connected to dualizing complexes. This was the original approach of Grothendieck in the book Residues and Duality.


Suppose f:XYf\colon X \to Y is a quasi-compact and quasi-separated morphism of schemes; then the triangulated functor Rf *:D qc(X)D(Y)\mathbf{R}f_*\colon D_{qc}(X)\to D(Y) has a bounded below right adjoint. In other words, RHom X(,f ×𝒢)RHom Y(Rf *,𝒢)\mathbf{R}Hom_X(\mathcal{F}, f^\times \mathcal{G})\stackrel{\sim}{\to} \mathbf{R}Hom_Y(\mathbf{R}f_*\mathcal{F}, \mathcal{G}) is a natural isomorphism.

Dualizing Complexes

Let XX be a noetherian scheme. A dualizing complex on XX is a complex D(ModX)\mathcal{R} \in \mathsf{D}(\mathsf{Mod} X) that has these three properties:

  • D c b(ModX)\mathcal{R} \in \mathsf{D}^{\mathrm{b}}_{\mathrm{c}}(\mathsf{Mod} X) (i.e. \mathcal{R} has bounded coherent cohomology sheaves).

  • \mathcal{R} has finite injective dimension.

  • The canonical morphism 𝒪 XRℋℴ𝓂 X(,)\mathcal{O}_X \to \mathrm{R} \mathcal{Hom}_{X}(\mathcal{R}, \mathcal{R}) in D(ModX)\mathsf{D}(\mathsf{Mod} X) is an isomorphism.

The following two structures are basically equivalent to each other, for a given category of noetherian schemes S\mathsf{S}:

  • A psudofunctor ff !f \mapsto f^!, called the twisted inverse image, that assigns a functor

    f !:D c +(ModY)D c +(ModX) f^! : \mathsf{D}^{+}_{\mathrm{c}}(\mathsf{Mod} Y) \to \mathsf{D}^{+}_{\mathrm{c}}(\mathsf{Mod} X)

    to each map of schemes f:XYf : X \to Y in S\mathsf{S}, and has several known properties.

  • A dualizing complex X\mathcal{R}_X for every scheme XX in the category S\mathsf{S}, with several known functorial properties.

The relation between these two structures is demonstrated in the following Example.

Example. Suppose KK is a regular finite dimensional noetherian ring, and let S\mathsf{S} be the category of finite type KK-schemes. Given a twisted inverse image psudofunctor ff !f \mapsto f^!, we define dualizing complexes as follows: on any XSX \in \mathsf{S} with structural morphism π X:XSpecK\pi_X : X \to \operatorname{Spec} K, we let X:=π X !(K)\mathcal{R}_X := \pi_X^!(K).

Conversely, suppose we are given a dualizing complex X\mathcal{R}_X on each XSX \in \mathsf{S}. This gives rise to a duality (contrvariant equivalence) D XD_X of D c (ModX)\mathsf{D}^{}_{\mathrm{c}}(\mathsf{Mod} X), exchanging D c +(ModX)\mathsf{D}^{+}_{\mathrm{c}}(\mathsf{Mod} X) with D c (ModX)\mathsf{D}^{-}_{\mathrm{c}}(\mathsf{Mod} X), with formula

D X():=Rℋℴ𝓂 X(, X). D_X(\mathcal{M}) := \mathrm{R} \mathcal{Hom}_{X}(\mathcal{M}, \mathcal{R}_X) .

We then define

f !():=D Y(Lf *(D X())). f^!(\mathcal{M}) := D_Y( \mathrm{L} f^* ( D_X(\mathcal{M}) )) .

Rigid Dualizing Complexes

The notion of rigid dualizing complex was introduced by Van den Bergh in 1997, for a noncommutative ring AA over a base field KK.

Yekutieli and Zhang have shown how to define a rigid dualizing complex R A/KR_{A/K}, when KK is a regular finite dimensional noetherian ring, and AA is an essentially finite type KK-ring (both commutative). A refined variant of the rigid dualizing complex, namely the rigid residue complex 𝒦 A/K\mathcal{K}_{A/K}, was shown to exist, and to be unique (up to a unique isomorphism of complexes).

These rigid residue complexes have all the good functorial properties alluded to above, and even more. Specifically, they are covariant for essentially etale ring homomorphisms AAA \to A' (via the rigid localization homomorphism), and contravariant (as graded modules) for all ring homomorphisms ABA \to B (via the ind-rigid trace homomorphism).

The rigid localization homomorphism permits the gluing of the rigid residue complexes 𝒦 A/K\mathcal{K}_{A/K} on affine open sets U=SpecAU = \operatorname{Spec} A of a scheme XX into a rigid residue complex 𝒦 X/K\mathcal{K}_{X/K} on XX. In this way one obtains a collection of dualizing complexes 𝒦 X/K\mathcal{K}_{X/K} on all essentially finite type KK-schemes XX, consisting of quasi-coherent injective sheaves. For any map of scheme f:XYf : X \to Y there is the ind-rigid trace homomoprhism

Tr f:f *(𝒦 Y/K)𝒦 X/K, \mathrm{Tr}_f : f_*(\mathcal{K}_{Y/K}) \to \mathcal{K}_{X/K} ,

which is a homomorphism of graded quasi-coherent sheaves. The Residue Theorem says that when ff is proper, Tr f\mathrm{Tr}_f is a homomorphism of complexes. The Duality Theorem says that when ff is proper, Tr f\mathrm{Tr}_f induces global duality. As explained above, there is a corresponding functor f !f^!; and the Duality Theorem says that Rf *\mathrm{R} f_* and f !f^! are adjoint functors.

Moreover, the rigidity method works also for finite type Deligne-Mumford stacks over KK. The key observation is that the rigid residue complexes are complexes of quasi-coherent sheaves in the etale site over KK. Details of this extension of the theory are still under preparation.

Noncommutative Grothendieck Duality

(To be added later)


  • Robin Hartshorne, Residues and duality (Lecture notes of a seminar on the work of A. Grothendieck, given at Harvard 1963/64. With an appendix by P. Deligne.) Springer LNM 20, 1966 MR222093

  • Domingo Toledo, Yue Lin L. Tong, Duality and intersection theory in complex manifolds. I., Math. Ann. 237 (1978), no. 1, 41–77, MR80d:32008, doi

  • Mitya Boyarchenko, Vladimir Drinfeld, A duality formalism in the spirit of Grothendieck and Verdier, arxiv/1108.6020

  • Z. Mebkhout, Le formalisme des six opérations de Grothendieck pour les 𝒟 X\mathcal{D}_X-modules cohérents, Travaux en Cours 35. Hermann, Paris, 1989. x+254 pp. MR90m:32026

  • Amnon Neeman, Derived categories and Grothendieck duality, in: Triangulated categories, 290–350, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 375, Cambridge Univ. Press 2010

  • Amnon Neeman, The Grothendieck duality theorem via Bousfield’s techniques and Brown representability, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 9 (1996), no. 1, 205–236, MR96c:18006, doi

  • Brian Conrad, Grothendieck duality and base change, Springer Lec. Notes Math. 1750 (2000) vi+296 pp.

  • Joseph Lipman, Notes on derived functors and Grothendieck duality, in: Foundations of Grothendieck duality for diagrams of schemes, 1–259, Lecture Notes in Math. 1960, Springer 2009, doi, draft pdf

  • J. Lipman, Grothendieck operations and coherence in categories, conference slides, 2009, pdf

  • Alonso Tarrío, Leovigildo; Jeremías López, Ana; Joseph Lipman, Studies in duality on Noetherian formal schemes and non-Noetherian ordinary schemes, Contemporary Mathematics 244 Amer. Math. Soc. 1999. x+126L. MR2000h:14017; Duality and flat base change on formal schemes, Contemporary Math. 244 (1999), pp. 3–90.

  • J. Ayoub, Les six opérations de Grothendieck et le formalisme des cycles évanescents dans le monde motivique. I., Astérisque No. 314 (2007), x+466 pp. (2008) MR2009h:14032; II. Astérisque No. 315 (2007), vi+364 pp. (2008) MR2009m:14007; also a file at K-theory archive THESE.pdf

  • Amnon Yekutieli, James Zhang,

    Rings with Auslander Dualizing Complexes, J. Algebra 213 (1999), 1-51; Rigid dualizing complexes over commutative rings, Algebr. Represent. Theory 12 (2009), no. 1, 19–52, doi; Dualizing Complexes and Perverse Sheaves on Noncommutative Ringed Schemes, Selecta Math. 12 (2006), 137-177; Dualizing Complexes and Perverse Modules over Differential Algebras, Compositio Mathematica 141 (2005), 620-654.

  • Amnon Yekutieli,

    An Explicit Construction of the Grothendieck Residue Complex, Astérisque 208 (1992); The residue complex of a noncommutative graded algebra, J. Algebra 186 (1996), no. 2, 522–543; Smooth formal embeddings and the residue complex, Canad. J. Math. 50 (1998), no. 4, 863–896, MR99i:14004; Rigid dualizing complexes via differential graded algebras (survey), in: Triangulated categories, 452–463, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 375, Cambridge Univ. Press 2010, MR2011h:18015; Residues and Differential Operators on Schemes, Duke Math. J. 95 (1998), 305-341; Duality and Tilting for Commutative DG Rings, arXiv:1312.6411; Residues and Duality for Schemes and Stacks (lecture notes).

  • Roy Joshua, Grothendieck-Verdier duality in enriched symmetric monoidal tt-categories (pdf)

  • Pieter Belmans, section 2.2 of Grothendieck duality: lecture 3, 2014 (pdf)

  • Amnon Neeman, An improvement on the base-change theorem and the functor f !f^!, arXiv.

Last revised on February 18, 2015 at 12:30:18. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.