symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
An -matrix is a solution to a Yang-Baxter equation:
A classical r-matrix is a solution of classical Yang-Baxter equation.
(A quantum R-matrix is a solution to the quantum Yang-Baxter equation.)
M. A. Semenov-Tyan-Shanskii, Classical r-matrices and quantization, J. Math. Sciences 31 6 (1985) 3411-3416, [doi; Classical r-matrices and the method of orbits, J. Math. Sciences 28 4 (1985) 513-524 [doi:10.1007/BF02104981]
V. G. Drinfel'd: Quantum groups, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians 1986, Vol. 1, 798-820, AMS (1987) [djvu:1.3M, pdf:2.5M]
Pavel Etingof, Alexander Varchenko: Geometry and classification of solutions of the Classical Dynamical Yang-Baxter Equation, Comm Math Phys 192 (1998) 77–120 [arXiv:q-alg/9703040, doi;10.1007/s002200050292]
In relation to infinitesimal braid relations and braid representations:
(in relation to the classical Yang-Baxter equation)
See also:
Last revised on February 12, 2025 at 08:36:06. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.