Spectral Algebraic Geometry
Redirected from "(infinity,n)-functors".
Higher geometry
Higher algebra
This page is to record material related to:
on spectral algebraic geometry.
I Fundamentals of Spectral Algebraic Geometry
- 1 Schemes and Deligne-Mumford Stacks
- 2 Quasi-Coherent Sheaves
- 3 Spectral Algebraic Spaces
(see also Structured Spaces)
II Proper Morphisms
- 4 Morphisms of Finite Presentation
- 5 Proper Morphisms in Spectral Algebraic Geometry
- 6 Grothendieck Duality
- 7 Nilpotent, Local, and Complete Modules
- 8 Formal Spectral Algebraic Geometry
III Tannaka Reconstruction and Quasi-Coherent Stacks
- 9 Tannaka Duality
- 10 Quasi-Coherent Stacks
- 11 Smooth and Proper Linear -Categories
- 12 Deformation Theories: Axiomatic Approach
- 13 Moduli Problems for Commutative Algebras
- 14 Moduli Problems for Associative Algebras
- 15 Moduli Problems for En-Algebras
- 16 Examples of Formal Moduli Problems
V Representability Theorems
- 17 Deformation Theory and the Cotangent Complex
- 18 Artin’s Representability Theorem
- 19 Applications of Artin Representability
VI Structured Spaces
VII Variants of Spectral Algebraic Geometry
VIII Higher Algebraic Stacks
IX Rational and -adic Homotopy Theory
X Appendix
- A Coherent -Topoi
- B Grothendieck Topologies in Commutative Algebra
- C Prestable -Categories
- D Descent for Modules and Linear -Categories
- E Profinite Homotopy Theory
Last revised on October 28, 2023 at 10:06:56.
See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.