nLab William Thurston

Selected writings

Bill Thurston was an American mathematician (Fields Medalist, 1982) who made important contributions to the theory of orbifolds, the theory of foliations, low-dimensional topology (especially in three dimensions), and to geometric group theory. He is perhaps best known for his geometrization conjecture (which was proved by Thurston in special cases, and by Richard Hamilton and Grigori Perelman in complete generality, and which in turn implies the Poincaré conjecture).

Selected writings

On foliations:

On 3-manifolds and their orbifolds (and introducing that terminology):

On hyperbolic 3-manifolds:

On proof in mathematics

  • On proof and progress in mathematics, Bull. AMS 30 (1994), 161-177. (web)
category: people

Last revised on June 8, 2024 at 13:09:30. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.