nLab coherence theorem



Higher category theory

higher category theory

Basic concepts

Basic theorems





Universal constructions

Extra properties and structure

1-categorical presentations


1. Idea

Generally, a coherence theorem in category theory and higher category theory asserts that a coherence law is satisfied: it is a means of getting a handle on categorical structures where laws only hold up to isomorphism or higher k-morphism equivalences.

Given a doctrine, such as the doctrine for monoidal categories, a coherence theorem may provide a full or partial algorithm for deciding equality in free algebras. Usually such a doctrine is specified only by certain “generating” operations and constraint morphisms between them; the coherence question then consists in determining exactly what additional operations and morphisms are derivable from these, and in particular when two such derived morphisms are equal. For instance, one may be interested in the coherence problem for closed categories: how does one decide equality of morphisms in freely generated closed categories, or in other words, how does one decide which diagrams (generated from the closed structure) commute?

The first, and perhaps easiest, coherence theorem is Mac Lane’s, which says that in a free monoidal category, every diagram of constraint morphisms commutes. The especially nice form of this theorem should not lead one to expect that all coherence theorems are of the form “every diagram commutes”—in many categorical structures, it is not the case that all diagrams of constraints commute, and so the coherence question must address more precisely which diagrams of constraints commute. For instance, in a braided monoidal category not every diagram of constraints commutes, but the coherence theorem gives a concise classification of those that do in terms of their underlying braids.

Coherence theorems are often useful when working with algebras in a doctrine, since it provides a way to tell whether two particular composites of constraints which may arise in practice are actually equal. One should beware, however, that coherence theorems only relate to the behavior of free algebras, or equivalently to the equality of formally defined composites. Even in a structure having a coherence theorem of the “every diagram commutes” sort, it may happen in a particular algebra that there exist diagrams of constraints which do not commute. For instance, one can find a monoidal category containing objects x,y,zx,y,z such that x(yz)=(xy)zx\otimes (y\otimes z) = (x\otimes y)\otimes z on the nose, but such that the associator isomorphism a x,y,z:x(yz)(xy)za_{x,y,z}:x\otimes (y\otimes z) \stackrel{\simeq}{\to} (x\otimes y)\otimes z is not the identity. (For example, skeletons of naturally occurring monoidal categories often have this property. This issue also arises in the classification of 2-groups via cohomology.)

2. Coherence versus strictification

See coherence versus strictification.

3. List of coherence theorems

5. References

Saunders Mac Lane discusses some of the history of the coherence problem in section 5 of

  • Saunders Mac Lane, Topology and Logic as a Source of Algebra (Retiring Presidential Address), Bulletin of the AMS 82:1, January 1976. (euclid)

An account of some of the history of (proofs of) coherence theorems is at

See also at Kelly-Mac Lane graph, at proof net and at Trimble rewiring for more on the syntactic proofs of coherence.

For specific references see at the above sub-entries in the List of coherence theorems.

For some general frameworks, see the following.

  • Thomas Fiore, Po Hu, and Igor Kriz. Laplaza sets, or how to select coherence diagrams for pseudo algebras, Advances in mathematics 218.6 (2008): 1705-1722.
  • Miles Gould. Coherence for categorified operadic theories, PhD thesis, arXiv:1002.0879 (2010).

Last revised on September 25, 2024 at 10:22:15. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.