Goodwillie calculus – approximation of homotopy theories by stable homotopy theories
An excisive (∞,1)-functor is an (∞,1)-functor which sends homotopy pushout squares to homotopy pullback squares. If the (∞,1)-category is pointed finite homotopy types and is spectra, then this condition is the axiom of excision in generalized homotopy, whence the name.
Moreover, if here is instead ∞Grpd (i.e. homotopy types), or more generally any (∞,1)-topos , then excisive functors that send the point to the point (up to equivalence) are still equivalent to spectra (spectrum objects) – essentially by the Brown representability theorem – and those without such restriction are equivalent to parameterized spectra, hence form the tangent (∞,1)-topos . (See also here at n-excisive functor and at Joyal locus.)
As such, excisive functors are the lowest nontrivial stage in the Goodwillie-Taylor tower that approximates the classifying (∞,1)-topos for pointed objects. The higher stages of this tower are given by the n-excisive (∞,1)-functors.
Definition 2.1. An (∞,1)-functor out of an (∞,1)-category with finite (∞,1)-colimits is excisive if it takes (∞,1)-pushout squares in to (∞,1)-pullback squares .
This is the case of the concept of n-excisive (∞,1)-functor.
(e.g. HigherAlg, def.
Write for the (∞,1)-category of finite homotopy types, hence those freely generated by finite (∞,1)-colimits from the point. Write for the pointed finite homotopy types.
Proposition 3.1. Let be an (∞,1)-category with finite (∞,1)-limits. Then spectrum objects in are equivalently reduced excisive (∞,1)-functor of the form
(Sometimes, e.g. in Lurie, def., this is taken as the very definition of spectrum objects).
A proof of prop. 3.1 passing through model category presentations for excisive -functors and of the Bousfield-Friedlander model structure for sequential spectra is due to (Lydakis 98), see at model structure for excisive functors at Relation to BF-model structure on sequential spectra.
The idea of the equivalence is as follows. Let be a reduced excisive functor. For each , write for the n-sphere and write . We have the homotopy pushout squares
and since sends them to homotopy pullbacks with the point going to the point, this gives equivalences
This makes have the structure of an Omega spectrum. The idea then is that as such it represents a generalized homology theory and the value of the excisive functor on any finite homotopy type is then (see Lurie, remark
Remark 3.2. The traditional definition of a generalized homology theory is as a functor on (finite) homotopy types with values in graded abelian groups. The Brown representability theorem says that these all arise from spectra via taking stable homotopy groups of smash products: . But due to the existence of phantom maps, this does not quite yield an equivalence between spectra and generalized homology theories.
In view of this, the proof of prop. 3.1 may be thought of saying that this mismatch is fixed by refining homotopy groups by full homotopy types .
Notice also that spectra realized as excisive functors this way are in the spirit of coordinate-free spectra.
For the moment we focus on properties of the case of excisive functors for and , hence on
Definition 4.1. Write is the (∞,1)-category of finite homotopy types. For a given base (∞,1)-topos, write
for the classifying (∞,1)-topos (over ) for pointed objects.
Definition 4.2. Write
for the functor given by
for the homotopy colimit of the iterations of this functor, with respect to the canonical comparison map.
Unwinding the definition and using that suspension is equivalently the join with the 0-sphere, this is indeed the functor of the same name in (Goodwillie 91, p. 657 (13 of 67)).
Theorem 4.3. The inclusion of excisive functors into is a reflective sub-(∞,1)-category with reflector given by from def. 4.2:
This is due (in the generality of n-excisive functor – n-Excisive Approximation and reflection) to (Goodwillie 91, theorem 1.8). See also (Lurie, theorem, construction
Proposition 4.4. Let have finite colimits and a terminal object and let be differentiable.
The excisive approximation of a reduced functor is the (infinity,1)-colimit
(where and denote looping and suspension in and in , respectively).
Remark 4.5. Under the equivalence to sequential spectra in prop. 3.1, the formula in prop. 4.4 is the standard formula for spectrification of prespectra.
We discuss a characterization of excisive functors on , hence of parameterized spectra, as the result of forcing a generic pointed object to become a stable homotopy type. This general perspective is being highlighted by Anel-Biederman-Finster-Joyal.
For a slick formulation, we use a generalization of powering to pointed powers:
Definition 4.6. For an object in an (∞,1)-category with finite (∞,1)-limits, and for a pointed finite ∞-groupoid, then the pointed power
is the object which is the image of under the essentially unique (∞,1)-functor
which preserves finite (∞,1)-limits and sends to .
Proposition 4.7. Excisive functors , def. 2.1, are the localization of , def. 4.1, at the set of morphisms
(where is the pointed power, def. 4.6, of the generic pointed object ):
In other words, the parameterized spectra are those objects in which regard each finite pointed power of the generic pointed object as a stable homotopy type.
Proof. For , write for its formal dual under (∞,1)-Yoneda embedding. Since the (∞,1)-Yoneda embedding preserves (∞,1)-limits, we have
Observe that the generic pointed object in is that represented by the 0-sphere:
Now using the (∞,1)-Yoneda lemma we have for each that
Hence for all
where in the last line we observe that the expression is that for the comparison map in def. 4.2.
This means that the local objects are precisely those for which the morphism
from def. 4.2 is an equivalence. With this the statement follows from theorem 4.3. ▮
The notion of n-excisive functors was introduced in
The Taylor tower formed by -excisive functors was then studied in
A discussion in the general abstract context of (∞,1)-category theory is in
Review includes:
On excisive 1-functors for genuine G-spectra (i.e. in proper equivariant stable homotopy theory):
A model structure for excisive functors was given in
Discussion in terms of stable homotopy types is due to
Last revised on April 17, 2023 at 09:51:06. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.