A functor from a category to a category is called full if for each pair of objects , the function
between hom sets is surjective.
More abstractly, we may say a functor is full if it is 1-surjective – or, in simple terms, ‘surjective on morphisms between given objects’. (Note that a functor may be full without being surjective on morphisms, overall, since is allowed to not hit morphisms between objects that are not in the image of .)
Fullness is most important for functors which are also faithful, and full and faithful functors are often called fully faithful. For ordinary functors this may sound odd, because there is no real sense in which “full” modifies “faithful.” However, in some contexts (such as for morphisms in a general 2-category), there is a good notion of “full-and-faithful” or “fully faithful,” but the right notion of “full” alone is not so clear. “Fully faithful” is also sometimes abbreviated to “ff”; see also bo-ff factorization system.
A subcategory is called a full subcategory if its inclusion functor (which is automatically faithful) is also full, and any full and faithful functor exhibits an equivalence of its domain with a full subcategory of its codomain.
Proposition 2.1. Given a pair of adjoint functors
the right adjoint is a full functor precisely if the component of the counit over every object is a split monomorphism ;
the left adjoint is a full functor precisely if the component of the unit over every object is a split epimorphism .
For proof see this Prop at adjoint functor.
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Last revised on May 27, 2020 at 16:19:46. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.