symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
Invariant theory studies invariants: algebraic entities – for instance elements in a ring – invariant under some group action.
In geometric invariant theory one regards the algebraic objects as formally dual to a geometric space and interprets the invariants as functions on a quotient space.
Let be a (graded) vector space equipped with the action of a group . This induces an action on the symmetric tensor powers . A linear map out of sums of such symmetric powers is called a polynomial on . It is an invariant polynomial if it is invariant under the group action, hence if for every we have (writing it for a homogeneous polynomial for convenience)
For instance if is a Lie group and is its Lie algebra, there is a canonical adjoint action of on . The corresponding invariant polynomials play a central role in Lie theory, notably via Chern-Weil theory. In this case the -invariance is often expressed in its differential form (obtained by differentiating the above equation at the neutral element), where it says that for all we have
Jean Dieudonné, James B. Carrell, Invariant theory, old and new, Advances in Mathematics 4 (1970) 1-80. Also published as a book (1971).
Hanspeter Kraft, Claudio Procesi, Classical invariant theory – A primer (pdf)
Claudio Procesi, Lie groups, an approach through invariants and representations, Universitext, Springer 2006, gBooks
Igor Dolgachev, Lectures on invariant theory, ps
William Crawley-Boevey, Lectures on representation theory and invariant theory (pdf)
David Mumford, John Fogarty, Frances Clare Kirwan, Geometric invariant theory, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (2) 34, Springer-Verlag
Hanspeter Kraft, Geometrische Methoden in der Invariantentheorie, Aspects of Mathematics, D1. Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig, 1984. x+308 pp.
Э. Б. Винберг, В. Л. Попов, Теория инвариантов, Итоги науки и техн. Сер. Соврем. пробл. мат. Фундам. направления, 1989, том 55, с. 137–309 pdf
B. Kostant, S. Rallis, Orbits and representations associated with symmetric spaces, Amer. J. Math. 93 (1971), 753–809 MR0311837 doi
Edward Formanek, Noncommutative invariant theory, in: Group actions on rings (Brunswick, Maine, 1984), 87–119, Contemp. Math. 43, Amer. Math. Soc. 1985 doi
Peter Olver: Classical Invariant Theory, Cambridge University Press (1999) [doi:10.1017/CBO9780511623660]
Last revised on March 12, 2025 at 19:59:06. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.