nLab mean

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Functional analysis

Measure and probability theory



The term “mean” or “average” usually refers to a value (for example a number) that lies between some given values. For example, the number 33 is the average of 22 and 44.

The idea admits several generalizations in different fields such as geometry, analysis, and probability theory.

As algebraic operations, several notions of “mean” give rise to probability monads.


Given two numbers or vectors x,yx,y, their arithmetic mean or average is the number or vector

x+y2. \frac{x+y}{2} .

More generally, given x 1,,x nx_1,\dots,x_n, their arithmetic mean or average is given by

x 1++x nn. \frac{x_1+\dots+x_n}{n} .

Weighted averages

Given numbers or vectors x 1,,x nx_1,\dots,x_n and nonnegative real numbers p 1,,p np_1,\dots,p_n such that p 1++p n=1p_1+\dots+p_n=1 (equivalently, a discrete probability distribution), the weighted average of the x ix_i with weights p ip_i is given by

ip ix i=p 1x 1++p nx n. \sum_i p_i\cdot x_i \;=\; p_1\cdot x_1 + \dots + p_n\cdot x_n .

In other words, a weighted average is the same as a convex combination, or as the expectation value of a discrete random variable?.

Continuous generalization

One can replace the sum with an integral and obtain a continuous analogue of weighted averages as follows. First of all, fix a Banach space VV (for example the real line).

  • Instead of values x 1,,x nVx_1,\dots,x_n\in V one can take a measurable space XX and a measurable function f:XVf:X\to V, which one can interpret as a selection of possibly infinitely many values f(x)f(x) of VV;
  • Instead of weights p 1,,p np_1,\dots,p_n one can take a probability measure on XX;
  • Instead of a sum one can now form the convex mixture
    f(x)p(dx) \int f(x)\, p(d x)

    given by integration (for example, Bochner integration?).

In the language of probability theory, this is the expectation value of the random variable ff on the probability space (X,p)(X,p).

Nonlinear generalizations

Given numbers xx and yy,

  • Their geometric mean is given by

    xy. \sqrt{xy} .

    In other words, one is taking the arithmetic mean of their logarithms.

  • Their quadratic mean is given by

    x 2+y 22 \sqrt{\frac{x^2+y^2}{2}}

    In other words, one is taking the mean of the squares. This is used, for example, to compute the variance? in probability theory.

  • Their harmonic mean is given by

    11/x+1/y2 \frac{1}{\;\frac{1/x+1/y}{2}\;}

    In other words, one is taking the mean of the inverses.

One has the inequality

harmonicgeometricarithmeticquadratic, harmonic \le geometric \le arithmetic \le quadratic ,

and equality holds if and only if x=yx=y.

The same can be extended to any tuple of numbers.

Similarly, in the continuous case, given a probability space (X,μ)(X,\mu) and a random variable f:Xf:X\to\mathbb{R}, one can take the mean

(|f| pdμ) 1/p \left( \int |f|^p d\mu \right)^{1/p}

for any pp, which is equivalently the L^p norm of ff.


Last revised on August 23, 2024 at 10:48:50. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.