symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
Given a natural number , an n-ary operation on a set is a function
from the function set to itself, where is the finite set with elements.
The arity of the operation is .
In general, if the natural number is not specified, these are called finitary operations.
Sets equipped with finitary operations are also called finitary magmas (or “finitary groupoids” in older terminology which now clashes with another meaning of groupoid, see at historical notes on quasigroups).
More generally, a finitary operation in a multicategory is just a multimorphism.
More generally, one could use an arbitrary set instead of a finite set. However, the generalizations are only definable in closed multicategories, rather than any multicategory.
Every set with an -ary operation comes with an endomorphism called the -th power operation
where is the diagonal morphism.
Wikipedia, n-ary group
Steven Duplij, Polyadic Algebraic Structures, IOP (2022) [ISBN:978-0-7503-2646-9]
Last revised on January 11, 2025 at 02:56:22. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.