nLab semisimple object

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An object XX in an abelian category is said to be semisimple or completely reducible if it is a coproduct (direct sum) of simple objects.


Sometimes this notion is considered in a bit more general setup than abelian (where it is most often used); sometimes with subtle variants. For Lie algebras, it is a bit different by convention: a Lie algebra is a semisimple Lie algebra if it is a direct sum of nonabelian simple Lie algebras; though a 1-dimensional abelian Lie algebra is simple in the categorical (and in common) sense.


A semisimple object is isotypic if it is a direct sum of isomorphic simple objects (the isomorphism class of a simple object is called its type).



An object in an abelian category is semisimple if and only if it is the coproduct of all its simple subobjects.


If an object XX in an abelian category is semisimple then every short exact sequence 0AXB00 \to A \to X \to B \to 0 splits.

An abelian category in which all short exact sequences split is called a spectral category, and not every spectral category is semisimple (see MathOverflow).

Special classes


Last revised on July 1, 2023 at 06:02:58. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.