additive and abelian categories
(AB1) pre-abelian category
(AB2) abelian category
(AB5) Grothendieck category
left/right exact functor
(also nonabelian homological algebra)
Basic definitions
Stable homotopy theory notions
Homology theories
Grothendieck categories are those abelian categories
such that for presheaves on a site with values in there is an existence theorem for the sheafification functor;
such that all complexes in (with respect to a translation) are quasi-isomorphic to homotopically injective complexes (so that derived functor can be computed on homotopically injective replacements).
More abstractly, Grothendieck categories are precisely Ab-enriched Grothendieck toposes. This follows from the Gabriel-Popescu theorem together with the theory of enriched sheaves.
In terms of the AB hierarchy discussed at additive and abelian categories we have
A Grothendieck category is an AB5-category which has a generator.
This means that a Grothendieck category is an abelian category
that admits a generator;
that admits small colimits;
such that small filtered colimits are exact in the following sense:
Dually a co-Grothendieck category is an AB5 category with a cogenerator. The category of abelian groups is not a co-Grothendieck category. Any abelian category which is simultaneously Grothendieck and co-Grothendieck has just a single object (see Freyd’s book, p.116).
A Grothendieck category satisfies the following properties.
it admits small limits;
if a functor commutes with small limits, the is representable;
if a functor commutes with small colimits, then has a right adjoint.
The Gabriel-Popescu theorem exhibits any Grothendieck abelian category as a reflective subcategory of a category of modules over a ring.
Any Grothendieck abelian category is locally presentable.
(Beke (2000), Prop. 3.10, see also Krause (2015), Corollary 5.2 and references therein.)
More generally, any cocomplete abelian category with a set of generators in which -filtered colimits commute with finite limits for some regular cardinal is a locally presentable category. See Positselski-Rosicky, Theorem 2.2.
If is equipped with translation , then for every complex there exists a quasi-isomorphism of complexes such that is homotopically injective.
it satisfies Pierre Gabriel’s sup property: every small family of subobjects of a given object has a supremum which is a subobject of ;
it admits an injective cogenerator (see Kashiwara-Schapira, Theorem 9.6.3).
Much of the localization theory of rings generalizes to general Grothendieck categories.
(Mod is Grothendieck abelian)
For a commutative ring, its category of modules Mod is a Grothendieck category. (See e.g Kiersz 06, prop. 4 for the proof that filtered colimits here are exact.) This statement remains true internal to any Grothendieck topos [Johnstone (1977), Thm. 8.11 (iii)].
(Vect is Grothendieck abelian)
Taking in Exp. to be a field it follows that categories of vector spaces are Grothendieck abelian.
( is Grothendieck abelian)
For a Grothendieck category, the (unbounded) category of chain complexes in is again a Grothendieck category (e.g. Hovey (1999), p. 3).
With Exp. it follows that the usual categories of chain complexes of modules over a ring are all Grothendieck abelian.
( is Grothendieck abelian)
For a small abelian category, the category of ind-objects in is a Grothendieck category.
A dedicated survey is
Grothendieck categories are mentioned at the end of section 8.3 in
The relation to complexes is in section 14.1.
The proof that filtered colimits in are exact is spelled out for instance in
Proof that Mod internal to any Grothendieck topos is Grothendieck abelian:
See also:
Peter Freyd, Abelian categories, Harper (1966O)
Nicolae Popescu, An introduction to Abelian categories with applications to rings and modules, Academic Press 1973
The fact that all Grothendieck categories are locally presentable:
Tibor Beke, Prop. 3.10 in: Sheafifiable homotopy model categories, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philosophical Society 129 3 (2000) 447-475 [arXiv:math/0102087, doi:10.1017/S0305004100004722]
Henning Krause, Corollary 5.2 in: Deriving Auslander’s formula, Documenta Math. 20 (2015) 669-688 [arXiv:1409.7051]
A generalization to -Grothendieck categories (defined using -filtered colimits) is proved in Theorem 2.2 of
The duality of Grothendieck categories with categories of modules over linearly compact rings is discussed in
Discussion of model structures on chain complexes in Grothendieck abelian categories is in
Formalization of Grothendieck categories as univalent categories in homotopy type theory: Formalization of abelian univalent categories of ring-modules, in homotopy type theory (univalent foundations of mathematics):
On Grothendieck abelian categories of chain complexes:
which was published as
Last revised on May 13, 2024 at 09:47:32. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.