nLab sequential limit




A (co)sequential limit is a limit/colimit whose diagram category is the opposite of a nonzero ordinal regarded as a poset, regarded as a category. For instance over a tower diagram.

Sometimes the term is used even more specifically for a limit over the opposite of the ordinal ω\omega.

Thus, a sequential limit is a special case of a (co)directed limit. See there for more details.


Sequential limits i.e. the tower-diagram

lim nX(n) X(2) X(1) X(0) \array{ && && \lim_{\leftarrow_n} X(n) && \\ && &\swarrow& \downarrow & \searrow& \\ \cdots & \to & X(2) & \to & X(1) & \to & X(0) }

are extremely common. Classical examples occur in the theory of Postnikov towers and also in the definition of the solenoids, as well as projective limits.

A ring K[[x]] K [ [ x ] ] of formal power series (for KK a field) is a sequential limit of the rings K[x]/x nK[x]/x^n (for nn a natural number).

Similarly, a ring Z p\mathbf{Z}_p of pp-adic integers (for pp a prime number) is a sequential limit of the rings Z/p n\mathbf{Z}/p^n.

A set of infinite sequences is a sequential limit of sets of finite sequences (which, at the level of sets, includes the above examples).

The axiom of dependent choice states that given a family of sets X nX_n and a family of surjections f n:X n+1X nf_n:X_{n + 1} \to X_n indexed by natural numbers nn \in \mathbb{N}:

lim nX n f 2 X 2 f 1 X 1 f 0 X 0 \array{ && && \lim_{\leftarrow_n} X_n && \\ && &\swarrow& \downarrow & \searrow& \\ \cdots & \underset{f_2}\to & X_2 & \underset{f_1}\to & X_1 & \underset{f_0}\to & X_0 }

the projection function to X 0X_0 from the sequential limit limX n\underset{\leftarrow}\lim X_n of the above diagram is a surjection.


The version of the axiom of dependent choice using sequential limits can be found in:

Last revised on February 1, 2025 at 19:07:39. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.