Homological algebra
Limits and colimits
limits and colimits
limit and colimit
limits and colimits by example
commutativity of limits and colimits
small limit
filtered colimit
sifted colimit
connected limit, wide pullback
preserved limit, reflected limit, created limit
product, fiber product, base change, coproduct, pullback, pushout, cobase change, equalizer, coequalizer, join, meet, terminal object, initial object, direct product, direct sum
finite limit
Kan extension
weighted limit
end and coend
fibered limit
1. Idea
The notation “” is common notation for the first derived functor of the limit functor.
Here we consider the case of limits over sequential diagrams of abelian groups (prop. 3.3 below). In good cases, this is the only obstruction to a naive limit of homotopy sets being the homotopy classes of the correct homotopy limit. Such a situation is expressed by a short exact Milnor sequence (below).
2. Definition
Definition 2.1. Given a tower of abelian groups
for the homomorphism given by
Definition 2.3. Given a tower of abelian groups
then is the cokernel of the map in def. 2.1, hence the group that makes a long exact sequence of the form
There is a generalization to groups (not necessarily abelian). (Bousfield-Kan 72, IX.2.1)
3. Properties
Abstract characterizations
Proposition 3.1. The functor (def. 2.3) satisfies
for every short exact sequence then the induced sequence
is a long exact sequence of abelian groups;
if is a tower such that all maps are surjections, then .
(e.g. Bousfield-Kan 72, ch IX, prop. 2.3 and 2.4, Switzer 75, prop. 7.63, Goerss-Jardine 96, section VI. lemma 2.11)
Proof. For the first property: Given a tower of abelian groups, write
for the homomorphism from def. 2.1 regarded as the single non-trivial differential in a cochain complex of abelian groups. Then by remark 2.2 and def. 2.3 we have and .
With this, then for a short exact sequence of towers the long exact sequence in question is the long exact sequence in homology of the corresponding short exact sequence of complexes
For the second statement: If all the are surjective, then inspection shows that the homomorphism in def. 2.1 is surjective. Hence its cokernel vanishes. ▮
Proof. The functor that picks the -th component of the tower has a right adjoint , which sends an abelian group to the tower
Since itself is evidently an exact functor, its right adjoint preserves injective objects (prop.).
So with , let be an injective resolution of the abelian group , for each . Then
is an injective resolution for . ▮
Proposition 3.3. The functor (def. 2.3) is the first right derived functor of the limit functor .
(Bousfield-Kan 72, chapter IX.2, remark 2.6)
Proof. By lemma 3.2 there are enough injectives in . So for the given tower of abelian groups, let
be an injective resolution. We need to show that
Since limits preserve kernels, this is equivalently
Now observe that each injective is a tower of epimorphism. This follows by the defining right lifting property applied against the monomorphisms of towers of the following form
Therefore by the second item of prop. 3.1 the long exact sequence from the first item of prop. 3.1 applied to the short exact sequence
Exactness of this sequence gives the desired identification ▮
Proposition 3.4. The functor (def. 2.3) is in fact the unique functor, up to natural isomorphism, satisfying the conditions in prop. 3.4.
Proof. The proof of prop. 3.3 only used the conditions from prop. 3.1, hence any functor satisfying these conditions is the first right derived functor of , up to natural isomorphism. ▮
Vanishing of
Definition 3.5. A tower of abelian groups
is said to satisfy the Mittag-Leffler condition if for all there exists such that for all the image of the homomorphism equals that of
(e.g. Switzer 75, def. 7.74)
Example 3.6. The Mittag-Leffler condition, def. 3.5, is satisfied in particular when all morphisms are epimorphisms (hence surjections of the underlying sets).
Proposition 3.7. If a tower satisfies the Mittag-Leffler condition, def. 3.5, then its vanishes:
e.g. (Switzer 75, theorem 7.75, Kochmann 96, prop. 4.2.3, Weibel 94, prop. 3.5.7)
Proof idea. One needs to show that with the Mittag-Leffler condition, then the cokernel of in def. 2.1 vanishes, hence that is an epimorphism in this case, hence that every has a preimage under . So use the Mittag-Leffler condition to find pre-images of by induction over . ▮
Relation to -groups
Lemma 3.8. Given a cotower
of abelian groups, then for every abelian group there is a short exact sequence of the form
where denotes the hom-group, denotes the first Ext-group (and so ).
Proof. Consider the homomorphism
which sends to . Its cokernel is the colimit over the cotower, but its kernel is trivial (in contrast to the otherwise formally dual situation in remark 2.2). Hence (as opposed to the long exact sequence in def. 2.3) there is a short exact sequence of the form
Every short exact sequence gives rise to a long exact sequence of derived functors (prop.) which in the present case starts out as
where we used that direct sum is the coproduct in abelian groups, so that homs out of it yield a product, and where the morphism is the one from def. 2.1 corresponding to the tower
Hence truncating this long sequence by forming kernel and cokernel of , respectively, it becomes the short exact sequence in question. ▮
4. Milnor exact sequences
For homotopy groups
Proposition 4.1. (Milnor exact sequence for homotopy groups)
be a tower of fibrations, for instance a tower of simplicial sets with each map a Kan fibration (and , hence each a Kan complex), or a tower of topological spaces with each map a Serre fibration. Then for each there is a short exact sequence
for the homotopy group-functor (exact as pointed sets for , as groups for ) which says that
the failure of the limit over the homotopy groups of the stages of the tower to equal the homotopy groups of the limit of the tower is at most in the kernel of the canonical comparison map;
that kernel is the (def. 2.3) of the homotopy groups of the stages.
e.g. (Bousfield-Kan 72, chapter IX, theorem 3.1, Goerss-Jardine 96, section VI. prop. 2.15)
Proof. With respect to the classical model structure on simplicial sets or the classical model structure on topological spaces, a tower of fibrations as stated is a fibrant object in the injective model structure on functors () (prop). Hence the plain limit over this diagram represents the homotopy limit. By the discussion there, up to weak equivalence that homotopy limit is also the pullback in
where on the right we have the product over all the canonical fibrations out of the path space objects. Hence also the left vertical morphism is a fibration, and so by taking its fiber over a basepoint, the pasting law gives a homotopy fiber sequence
The long exact sequence of homotopy groups of this fiber sequence goes
Chopping that off by forming kernel and cokernel yields the claim for positive . For it follows by inspection. ▮
For chain homology
Example 4.2. Let
be a tower of chain complexes (of abelian groups) such that it satisfies degree-wise the Mittag-Leffler condition, def. 3.5, and write
for its limit. Then for each the chain homology of the limit sits in a short exact sequence with the ordinary and the of the chain homologies:
(e.g. Weibel 94, prop. 3.5.8)
For generalized cohomology groups
Of spaces
Proposition 4.3. (Milnor exact sequence for generalized cohomology)
Let be a pointed CW-complex, and let be an additive reduced cohomology theory.
Then the canonical morphisms make a short exact sequence
saying that
the failure of the canonical comparison map to the limit of the cohomology groups on the finite stages to be an isomorphism is at most in a non-vanishing kernel;
this kernel is precisely the (def. 2.3) of the cohomology groups at the finite stages in one degree lower.
e.g. (Switzer 75, prop. 7.66, Kochmann 96, prop. 4.2.2)
Proof. For
the sequence of stages of the (pointed) CW-complex , write
for the disjoint unions of the cylinders over all the stages in even and all those in odd degree, respectively.
These come with canonical inclusion maps into the mapping telescope (def.), which we denote by
Observe that
and that there are homotopy equivalences
The first two are obvious, the third is this proposition.
This implies that the Mayer-Vietoris sequence (prop.) for on the cover is isomorphic to the bottom horizontal sequence in the following diagram:
hence that the bottom sequence is also a long exact sequence.
To identify the morphism , notice that it comes from pulling back -cohomology classes along the inclusions and . Comonentwise these are the inclusions of each into the left and the right end of its cylinder inside the mapping telescope, respectively. By the construction of the mapping telescope, one of these ends is embedded via into the cylinder over . In conclusion, acts by
(The relative sign is the one in originating in the definition of the Mayer-Vietoris sequence and properly propagated to the bottom sequence while ensuring that is really and not , as needed for the statement to be proven.)
This is the morphism from def. 2.1 for the sequence
Hence truncating the above long exact sequence by forming kernel and cokernel of , the result follows via remark 2.2 and definition 2.3. ▮
In contrast:
Proposition 4.4. Let be a pointed CW-complex, .
For an additive reduced generalized homology theory, then
is an isomorphism.
(Switzer 75, prop. 7.53)
Of spectra
For two spectra, then the -generalized cohomology of is the graded group of homs in the stable homotopy category (def., exmpl.)
The stable homotopy category is, in particular, the homotopy category of the stable model structure on orthogonal spectra, in that its localization at the stable weak homotopy equivalences is of the form
In the following when considering an orthogonal spectrum , we use, for brevity, the same symbol for its image under .
Proposition 4.5. For two orthogonal spectra (or two symmetric spectra such that is a semistable symmetric spectrum) then there is a short exact sequence of the form
where denotes the lim^1, and where this and the limit on the right are taken over the following structure morphisms
(Schwede 12, chapter II prop. 6.5 (ii)) (using that symmetric spectra underlying orthogonal spectra are semistable (Schwede 12, p. 40))
Corollary 4.6. For two spectra such that the tower satisfies the Mittag-Leffler condition (def. 3.5), then two morphisms of spectra are homotopic already if all their morphisms of component spaces are.
Proof. By prop. 3.7 the assumption implies that the -term in prop. 4.5 vanishes, hence by exactness it follows that in this case there is an isomorphism
6. References
John Milnor, On axiomatic homology theory, Pacific J. Math. Volume 12, Number 1 (1962), 337-341 (Euclid)
Z. Z. Yeh, Higher Inverse Limits and Homology Theories, Thesis, Princeton, 1959.
Aldridge Bousfield, Daniel Kan, section IX.2 of Homotopy limits, completions and localization, Springer 1972
Robert Switzer, section 7 from def. 7.57 on in Algebraic Topology - Homotopy and Homology, Die Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen, Vol. 212, Springer-Verlag, New York, N. Y., 1975.
Charles Weibel, section 3.5 of An Introduction to Homological Algebra, Cambridge University Press (1994)
Stanley Kochmann, section 4.2 of Bordism, Stable Homotopy and Adams Spectral Sequences, AMS 1996
For generalized cohomology of spectra
Discussion in the context of categories of fibrant objects is in
Discussion in the context of conditional convergence of spectral sequences is in