In computer science, a side effect refers simply to the modification of some kind of state, such as changing the value of a variable, writing some data to disk or raising an exception.
The presence of side effects in a programming language usually means the language cannot be given a denotational semantics in the category of sets, or in any bicartesian closed category. Instead, they can be interpreted in the category of algebras of a monad on a bicartesian closed category, often a monad presented by an algebraic theory. There is a direct relationship between properties of the monad or theory and the type theoretic syntax that can be interpreted in its category of algebras.
monads | algebraic theories | flavor of multicategory | typical model |
strong monad | arbitrary theory | call-by-push-value/Freyd multicategory | enriched category with powers and copowers |
monoidal monad | commutative algebraic theory | linear logic/linear-non-linear logic | symmetric monoidal closed category/linear-non-linear adjunction |
affine monad | affine algebraic theory? | affine logic | semicartesian monoidal category |
relevant monad | relevant algebraic theory? | relevance logic | relevance monoidal category |
preserves cartesian products | affine and relevant theory | cartesian multicategory/S4 | monoidal adjunction between bicartesian closed? categories |
So in typical models, you have a category of “value types” and pure morphisms and a category of “comptuation types” or “linear types” and homomorphisms, where is the category of algebras of a monad on . Then, how the types and terms of a language are interpreted in the model depends on the evaluation order? of the language. In call-by-value? languages, types are interpreted as objects of , but terms are interpreted as Kleisli morphisms , or equivalently homomorphisms of free algebras in : . In call-by-name? languages, types are dually interpreted as objects of , but terms are interpreted as co-Kleisli morphisms .
A dual approach would be to start with a category of linear morphisms and construct a category of “value types” as the category of coalgebras of some well-behaved comonad. This approach is advocated by Girard in his original work on linear logic.
The conditions on monads above and their relationship to structural rules are described in the following (though the notions themselves are originally due to Anders Kock).
On side effects in dependent (linear) type theory:
Last revised on August 21, 2022 at 04:16:35. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.