nLab Author — Fabian


Fabian? has contributed to 62 nLab pages.

Most recent contributions

Kripke-Joyal semantics 16:05:12, December 08 2021
Čech groupoid 18:12:07, November 29 2021
presheaf of groupoids 17:57:30, November 29 2021
formal grammar 09:14:44, October 28 2021
Mac Lane's proof of the coherence theorem for monoidal categories 15:03:50, October 27 2021
projective object 06:18:06, September 15 2021
reflective factorization system 15:30:28, August 24 2021
small object argument 08:17:28, August 12 2021
well-powered category 10:06:32, August 11 2021
pointed endofunctor 10:31:45, August 09 2021
arrow (in computer science) 16:01:09, August 06 2021
Handbook of Categorical Algebra 08:19:58, August 03 2021
adjoint functor 07:57:50, August 03 2021
mate 07:20:59, August 03 2021
graded monad 14:59:54, July 28 2021
strong monad 14:18:40, July 19 2021
strong monad 13:47:27, July 19 2021
synthetic topology 21:01:38, April 15 2021
synthetic topology 20:11:38, April 15 2021
Kripke-Joyal semantics 09:39:22, February 28 2021
adjoint triple 13:06:00, February 24 2021
monadic descent 13:13:23, February 15 2021
homotopy type theory 16:36:06, February 12 2021
generalized algebraic theory 12:03:41, February 10 2021
enriched category 11:37:36, February 10 2021
companion pair 09:11:43, August 14 2020
weighted limit 10:20:47, July 29 2020
descent object 13:01:32, July 26 2020
fibrant object 12:35:14, July 26 2020
monadic functor 09:59:44, July 22 2020

All pages contributed to