group cohomology, nonabelian group cohomology, Lie group cohomology
cohomology with constant coefficients / with a local system of coefficients
differential cohomology
Monadic descent is a way to encode descent of fibered categories (equivalently, via the Grothendieck construction: of pseudofunctors) which have the special property that they are bifibrations. This allows the use of categorical algebraic tools, notably of monads and related structures from universal algebra.
A bifibration comes naturally equipped not only with a notion of pullback, but also of pushforward. Combined these provide pull-push-monads that may be used to encode the descent property of the fibration.
A morphism in the base induces an adjunction where
and we ask whether is a monadic functor.
This is the original description of descent of presheaves with values in 1-categories, due to Alexander Grothendieck.
The archetypical and motivating example is that of the bifibration of modules over Rings.
Let be a category and a bifibration over it. For a morphism in write
for the corresponding base change adjoint triple, and write
for the induced adjoint pair of a monad and a comonad .
There is a standard definition of a category of descent data for along , which comes with a canonical morphism
The morphism is called (with respect to the given bifibration )
a descent morphism if this comparison map is a full and faithful functor;
an effective descent morphism if the comparison map is an equivalence of categories.
Now the Bénabou–Roubaud theorem states that if satisfies the Beck–Chevalley condition, then descent data is equivalent to the structure of an algebra over a monad for (equivalently a coalgebra for ), hence is the Eilenberg–Moore category for these (co-)monads
Therefore when satisfies the BC condition, then a morphism is effective descent precisely if is monadic, and is descent precisely if is of descent type.
This is the monadic formulation of descent theory, “monadic descent”.
(e.g. Janelidze–Tholen 94, pp. 247-248 (3-4 of 37)).
The main theorem is Beck’s monadicity theorem.
Given a Grothendieck bifibration and a morphism in the base category , one can choose a direct image and an inverse image functor , which form an adjunction . Under some conditions (see the Bénabou–Roubaud theorem), the morphism is an effective descent morphism (with respect to as a fibered category) iff the comparison functor for the monad induced by the adjunction is monadic.
We should now see that some instances of categories of descent data are canonically equivalent to and can be reexpressed via Eilenberg–Moore categories of monads, or dually comonads.
Let be a locally Cartesian closed category with coequalizers (e.g. a topos). Then effective descent morphisms for the codomain fibration are precisely the regular epimorphisms. (Janelidze–Tholen 94, 2.4).
Hence for any morphism in and
the induced base change adjoint triple, then is equivalent to the Eilenberg–Moore category of algebras over (equivalently: of coalgebras of ) precisely if is an effective epimorphism.
(Use conservative pullback along epimorphisms in the monadicity theorem.)
One of the most basic examples of bifibrations are codomain fibrations , where is the arrow category of and sends any arrow in to its codomain. Accordingly, monadic descent applied to codomain fibrations archetypically exhibits the nature of monadic descent. We therefore spell out this example in some detail.
An object in a codomain fibration over is a morphism , hence a bundle in , in the most general sense of bundle. Therefore monadic descent with respect to codomain fibrations encodes descent of bundles.
Other examples of monadic descent often find a useful interpretation when relating them back to monadic descent for codomain fibrations. For instance (co)monadic descent for Sweedler corings, discussed below, finds a natural geometric interpretion this way (as discussed in detail there).
We show in the following that for a codomain fibration and for a morphism in , an algebra object in over the monad encodes and is encoded by a “geometric” descent datum: that it is
a morphism
equipped with a transition function between its two pullbacks to double
which satisfies on the usual cocycle condition.
Monadic methods can be applied to the study of descent of structures that cannot only be pulled back, such as principal bundles, but that can also be pushed forward, such as vector bundles (with suitable care taken) or more generally modules over functions rings (discussed at Sweedler coring).
Given a principal bundle (a topological one, say, i.e. a morphism in Top) and a morphism of base spaces , the would-be candidate for the push-forward of along is simply the composite map , regarded as a total space living over .
While that always exists as such, it will in general not be a principal bundle anymore: the fibers of over points consist of many copies of the fibers of over points in . Hence the shape of the fibers may change drastically as we push bundles forward.
So principal bundles do have a canonical notion of push-forward, but it leads outside the category of principal bundles and lands generally in some overcategory.
On the other hand, as we will see in detail below, if we take a principal bundle and
first push it forward in this generalized sense to an object in the overcategory
and then pull back the result of that again along the result, while still not a principal bundle, is the total space of the bundle pulled back to the first term in the Čech nerve of . This pullback is of central interest in the description of the geometric descent property of the bundle.
But the composite operation of pushforward of overcategories
followed by pullback
is nothing but the monad associated to with respect to the codomain bifibration .
So by regarding principal bundles more generally as just objects in the overcategory we make the tools of monadic descent applicable to them.
Let be a category with pullbacks. Then the codomain fibration
is a bifibration (as described there, in detail). Its fiber over an object is the overcategory .
The direct image operation associated to a morphism in is the functor
obtained by postcomposition with , which sends to the composite in , regarded as an object of .
The inverse image operation associated to is the functor
obtained by pullback in along , which sends the pullback , regarded as an object of in terms of the canonical projection morphism out of the pullback.
for the monad built from these two adjoint functors.
We spell out in detail the data of an algebra over the above monad, and show that this encodes precisely the familiar geometric descent datum for a bundle.
To that end, let
be an algebra over our monad. In components this is an object equipped with a morphism .
The object is given by
first pushing forward along to the object .
then pulling this back along to yield the left vertical morphism in
This pullback along a composite of morphisms may be computed as two consecutive pullbacks. The first one is
which is the first term in the Čech nerve of . So the total pullback is the pullback to :
Therefore the action of our monad on is given in by a morphism
As an example, think of this in the context with coming from an open cover of with , and with a trivial -principal bundle for some group . Then the space is the union of double intersection of covering patches, and is to be thought of as the trivial -principal bundle over , restricted to the intersection. In this case our morphism acts as
and thus maps the trivial -bundle over on the intersection with the trivial -bundle over . So it is a transition function. If this is a -equivariant, it may be part of the descent datum for the -principal bundle.
In the above section we considered monadic descent of bundles along morphisms .
Now we consider monadic descent along morphisms that happen to be -principal bundles, for some group object . When considered with respect to the codomain fibration this describes the situation where we ask for a bundle that sits over the total space of another (principal) bundle to descend down along that bundle map to . So beware of the two different roles that bundles play here.
Let be a category with pullbacks and let be an internal group in .
Let be a right principal action and the projection. Let be the coequalizer of and . The principality condition says that given by is an isomorphism.
We do not assume to be trivial. We have also the two projections
out of the pullback, where make a kernel pair of . Thus the principality condition is equivalent to saying that make also a kernel pair of its own coequalizer. The two diagrams above are truncations of augmented simplicial objects in . We want to relate these objects to monads.
We now describe the monadic descent along the morphism from above for the codomain fibration .
There are two monads acting on the overcategory whose underlying functors are
The first monad, is the usual one for monadic descent along induced from a pair of adjoint functors.
The second one, , exists due to the principality of and is defined as follows:
to construct the component of the transformation where , by the universal property of the pullback there is an obvious map to
which can be interpreted as a map because the domains of the maps and are the same by the definition and the commuting triangles can be checked easily.
The principality now induces the isomorphism
natural in , read off from the double pullback diagram
This rule extends to an isomorphism of monads
As a corollary, the Eilenberg–Moore categories of the two monads are equivalent. Notice that the actions over the monad are certain maps , hence by adjointness. This matches one of the definitions for an equivariant sheaf.
The map of the principal bundle is an effective descent morphism with respect to the codomain fibration if the comparison functor for any of the two above isomorphic monads above is an equivalence of categories.
There is a bifibration from the category of modules over any ring, mapping each module to the ring that it is a module over. This models, dually, an algebraic version of vector bundles over affine schemes.
Comonadic descent for this bifibration (equivalently monadic descent for its formal dual, ) is the same as descent for a Sweedler coring. See there for details and geometric interpretations.
Another example is in gluing categories from localizations.
All the ingredients of monadic descent generalize from category theory to higher category theory. Accordingly, one may consider higher monadic descent that relates to ∞-stacks as monadic descent relates to stacks. For more on this see
The Bénabou–Roubaud theorem on monadic descent is due to:
Review and further developments:
George Janelidze, Walter Tholen: Facets of descent I, Applied Categorical Structures 2 3 (1994) 245-281 [doi:10.1007/BF00878100]
George Janelidze, Walter Tholen: Facets of descent II, Applied Categorical Structures 5 3 (1997) 229-248 [doi:10.1023/A:1008697013769]
George Janelidze, Manuela Sobral, Walter Tholen: Beyond Barr exactness: effective descent morphisms, Ch. 8 of: Maria Cristina Pedicchio, Walter Tholen (ed.) Categ. Foundations Enc. Math. Appl. (2003)
Bachuki Mesablishvili, Monads of effective descent type and comonadicity, Theory and Applications of Categories 16:1 (2006) 1-45, link;
Francis Borceux, Stefan Caenepeel, George Janelidze: Monadic approach to Galois descent and cohomology &lbrackarXiv:0812.1674]
S. Caenepeel: Galois corings from the descent theory point of view, in: Fields Inst. Commun. 43 (2004) 163–186
Tomasz Brzeziński, Adrian Vazquez Marquez, Joost Vercruysse, The Eilenberg–Moore category and a Beck-type theorem for a Morita context, J. Appl Categor Struct 19 (2011) 821 [doi:10.1007/s10485-009-9217-0]
An expository overview:
Discussion in homotopy theory for (infinity,1)-monads:
Last revised on February 14, 2025 at 07:43:01. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.