nLab Gereon Quick

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Selected writings

On algebraic topology:

On the Hopf invariant and the Hopf invariant one problem:

  • Gereon Quick, The Hopf invariant one problem via K-theory, lecture notes, 2014 (pdf)

On the e-invariant:

On the e-invariant and the J-homomorphism:

  • Gereon Quick, The ee-invariant and the JJ-homomorphism, lecture notes, 2014 (pdf)

Introducing Hodge-filtered differential cohomology and its specialization to Hodge-filtered complex cobordism theory:

Introduction and survey:

Refinement of the Abel-Jacobi map to Hodge-filtered differential MU-cobordism cohomology theory:

and a geometric cocycle model by actual cobordism-classes:

On Umkehr maps in Hodge-filtered differential complex cobordism cohomology:

category: people

Last revised on June 9, 2023 at 13:01:45. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.