nLab Hilbert's Theorem 90

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A type of theorem in Galois cohomology due to David Hilbert.


There are several versions referred to as Hilbert’s theorem 90.

Multiplicative version


(Hilbert) Suppose KK be a finite Galois extension of a field kk, with a cyclic Galois group G=gG = \langle g \rangle of order nn. Regard the multiplicative group K *K^\ast as a GG-module. Then the group cohomology of GG with coefficients in K *K^\ast – the Galois cohomology – satisfies

H 1(G;K *)=0. H^1(G; K^\ast) = 0 \,.

For the following, note (see here), that if G=C nG = C_n is a finite cyclic group of order nn, then there is a projective resolution of \mathbb{Z} as a trivial GG-module:

NGDGNGDG0, \ldots \stackrel{N}{\to} \mathbb{Z}G \stackrel{D}{\to} \mathbb{Z}G \stackrel{N}{\to} \mathbb{Z}G \stackrel{D}{\to} \mathbb{Z}G \to \mathbb{Z} \to 0 \,,

where the map G\mathbb{Z}G \to \mathbb{Z} is induced from the trivial group homomorphism G1G \to 1 (hence is the map that forms the sum of all coefficients of all group elements), and where DD, NN are multiplication by special elements in G\mathbb{Z}G, also denoted DD, NN:

Dg1,D \coloneqq g - 1,
N1+g+g 2++g k1. N \coloneqq 1 + g + g^2 + \ldots + g^{k-1} \,.

The calculations that follow refer to this resolution as a means of defining H n(G;A)H^n(G; A) (in the case A=K *A = K^\ast), by forming the cochain cohomology of the induced cochain complex

0hom G(,A)hom G(G,A)hom G(G,A). 0 \to \hom_{\mathbb{Z}G}(\mathbb{Z}, A) \to \hom_{\mathbb{Z}G}(\mathbb{Z}G, A) \to \hom_{\mathbb{Z}G}(\mathbb{Z}G, A) \to \ldots \,.

With that understood, let now σG\sigma \in \mathbb{Z}G be an element of the group algebra, and denote the action of σ\sigma on an element βK\beta \in K by exponential notation β σ\beta^\sigma. The action of the element NGN \in \mathbb{Z}G is

β N=β 1+g++g n1=ββ gβ g n1, \beta^N = \beta^{1 + g + \ldots + g^{n-1}} = \beta \cdot \beta^g \cdot \ldots \beta^{g^{n-1}} \,,

which is precisely the norm N(β)N(\beta). We are to show that if N(β)=1N(\beta) = 1, then there exists αK\alpha \in K such that β=α/g(α)\beta = \alpha/g(\alpha).

By lemma below, the homomorphisms 1,g,,g n1:K *K *1, g, \ldots, g^{n-1}: K^\ast \to K^\ast are, when considered as elements in a vector space of KK-valued functions, KK-linearly independent. It follows in particular that

1+βg+β 1+gg 2++β 1+g++g n2g n11 + \beta g + \beta^{1+g}g^2 + \ldots + \beta^{1 + g + \ldots + g^{n-2}}g^{n-1}

is not identically zero, and therefore there exists θK *\theta \in K^\ast such that the element

α=θ+βθ g+β 1+gθ g 2++β 1+g++g n2θ g n1\alpha = \theta + \beta \theta^g + \beta^{1+g}\theta^{g^2} + \ldots + \beta^{1 + g + \ldots + g^{n-2}}\theta^{g^{n-1}}

is non-zero. Using the fact that N(β)=1N(\beta) = 1, one may easily calculate that βα g=α\beta \alpha^g = \alpha, as was to be shown.

Additive version


Under the same hypotheses as in Thm. , and regarding the additive group KK as a GG-module, we have

H 1(G;K)=0. H^1(G; K) = 0 \,.


The trace of an element αK\alpha \in K is defined by

Tr(α)Nα=α+g(α)++g n1(α). Tr(\alpha) \coloneqq N \cdot \alpha \;=\; \alpha + g(\alpha) + \ldots + g^{n-1}(\alpha) \,.

We want to show that if Tr(β)=0Tr(\beta) = 0, then there exists αK\alpha \in K such that β=αg(α)\beta = \alpha - g(\alpha). By lemma below, there exists θ\theta such that Tr(θ)0Tr(\theta) \neq 0; notice that Tr(θ)Tr(\theta) belongs to the ground field kk since gN=Ng \cdot N = N. Put

α1Tr(θ)(βg(θ)+(β+g(β))g 2(θ)++(β+g(β)++g n2(β))g n1(θ). \alpha \;\coloneqq\; \frac1{Tr(\theta)}(\beta g(\theta) + \big( \beta + g(\beta) \big)g^2(\theta) + \ldots + \big( \beta + g(\beta) + \ldots + g^{n-2}(\beta) \big) g^{n-1}(\theta) \,.

One may then calculate that

αg(α) = 1Tr(θ)(βg(θ)+βg 2(θ)++βg n1(θ)(g(β)++g n1(β))θ = 1Tr(θ)(βg(θ)+βg 2(θ)++βg n1(θ)+βθ) = β,\array{ \alpha - g(\alpha) & = & \frac1{Tr(\theta)}(\beta g(\theta) + \beta g^2(\theta) + \ldots + \beta g^{n-1}(\theta) - (g(\beta) + \ldots + g^{n-1}(\beta))\theta \\ & = & \frac1{Tr(\theta)}(\beta g(\theta) + \beta g^2(\theta) + \ldots + \beta g^{n-1}(\theta) + \beta \theta) \\ & = & \beta \mathrlap{\,,} }

where in the second line we used Tr(β)=0Tr(\beta) = 0.

Modern version


Suppose KK is a finite Galois extension of a field kk with Galois group GG. Regard the general linear group GL(n,K)GL(n,K) as a GG-module. Then

H 1(G;GL(n,K))=0. H^1\big( G; GL(n,K) \big) \;=\; 0 \,.

(Gille & Szamuely 2017 p. 29)

Independence of characters

The next result establishes the lemma of “independence of characters” used in the above proofs (where “characters” are valued in the multiplicative group of a field):


Let KK be a field, let GG be a monoid, and let χ 1,,χ n:GK *\chi_1, \ldots, \chi_n \colon G \to K^\ast be distinct monoid homomorphisms. Then the functions χ i\chi_i, considered as functions valued in KK, are KK-linearly independent.


A single χ:GK *\chi \colon G \to K^\ast obviously forms a linearly independent set. Now suppose we have an equation

a 1χ 1++a nχ n=0a_1 \chi_1 + \ldots + a_n \chi_n = 0

where a iKa_i \in K, and assume nn is as small as possible. In particular, no a ia_i is equal to 00, and n2n \geq 2. Choose gGg \in G such that χ 1(g)χ 2(g)\chi_1(g) \neq \chi_2(g). Then for all hGh \in G we have

a 1χ 1(gh)++a nχ n(gh)=0,a_1 \chi_1(g h) + \ldots + a_n \chi_n(g h) = 0\,,

so that

a 1χ 1(g)χ 1++a nχ n(g)χ n=0.a_1 \chi_1(g) \chi_1 + \ldots + a_n \chi_n(g)\chi_n = 0.

Dividing equation 2 by χ 1(g)\chi_1(g) and subtracting from it equation 1, the first term cancels, and we are left with a shorter relation

(a 2χ 2(g)χ 1(g)a 2)χ 2+=0(a_2\frac{\chi_2(g)}{\chi_1(g)} - a_2)\chi_2 + \ldots = 0

which is a contradiction.

A corollary of this result is an important result in its own right, the normal basis theorem.


The modern version, Thm. , of Hilbert’s Theorem 90, explained as part of a general theory of Galois descent:

An attempt to understand the Galois descent approach more conceptually:

  • John Baez: Group cohomology and homotopy fixed points, The n-Category Café. [web]

Version in symmetric monoidal categories:

Last revised on March 1, 2025 at 18:42:34. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.