Introduction to Étale Cohomology
Special and general types
Special notions
Étale morphisms
This page collects links related to the textbook
on étale cohomology.
Chapter 0 Preliminaries
1. Abelian categories
2. Homological algebra in abelian categories
2.1 -Functors
2.2 Derived functors
2.3 Spectral sequences
3. Inductive limits
Chapter I Topologies and sheaves
1. Topologies
2. Abelian presheaves on topologies
2.1 The category of abelian presheaves
2.2 Cech cohomology
2.3 The functors and
3. Abelian sheaves on topologies
3.1 The associated sheaf of a presheaf
3.2 The category of abelian sheaves
3.3 Cohomology of abelian sheaves
3.4 The spectral sequences for Cech cohomology
3.5 Flabby sheaves
3.6 The functors and
3.7 The Leray spectral sequence
3.8 Localization
3.9 The comparison lemma
3.10 Noetherian topologies
3.11 Commutation of the functors with pseudofiltered inductive limits
Chapter II Étale Cohomology
1. The Étale site of a scheme
1.1 Étale morphisms
1.2 Étale site
1.3 Relation between Étale and Zariski cohomology
1.4 The functors and
1.5 The restricted Étale site
2. The case
3. Examples of étale sheaves
3.1 Representable sheaves
3.2 Étale sheaves of -modules
3.3 Big étale site
4. The theories of Artin-Schreier and of Kummer
4.1 The groups
4.2 The Artin-Schreier sequence
4.3 The groups
4.4 The Kummer sequence
4.5 The sheaf of divisors on
5. Stalks of étale sheaves
6. Strict localizations
6.1 Henselian rings and strictly local rings
6.2 Strict localization of a scheme
6.3 Étale cohomology on projective limits of schemes
7. The Artin spectral sequence
8. The decomposition theorem. Relative cohomology
9. Torsion sheaves, locally constant sheaves, constructible sheaves
10. Étale cohomology of curves
11. General theorems in étale cohomology theory
Last revised on February 28, 2025 at 00:46:23.
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