The Reshetikhin-Turaev construction is the FQFT construction of a 3d TQFT from the data of a modular tensor category . It is something like the “square root” of the Turaev-Viro model on .
In the case that is a category of positive energy representations of a loop group of a Lie group , then this algebraically defined QFT is thought to be the result of quantization of Chern-Simons theory over the group .
The Reshetikhin-Turaev model is a boundary field theory of the 4d TQFT Crane-Yetter model (Barrett&Garci-Islas&Martins 04, theorem 2) Related discussion is in Freed “4-3-2 8-7-6”.
The RT-construction for group is expected to be the FQFT of -Chern-Simons theory, though a fully explicit proof of this via quantization is currently not in the literature.
See at quantization of Chern-Simons theory for more on this.
The Fuchs-Runkel-Schweigert-construction builds from the RT-construction explicitly the rational 2-dimensional 2d CFT boundary theory (see at holographic principle).
Original articles:
Nikolai Reshetikhin, Vladimir Turaev, Invariants of 3-manifolds via link polynomials and quantum groups. Invent. Math. 103 (1991), no. 3, 547–597. (doi:10.1007/BF01239527, pdf)
Vladimir Turaev, Modular categories and 3-manifold invariants, International Journal of Modern Physics B Vol. 06, No. 11n12, pp. 1807-1824 (1992) (doi:10.1142/S0217979292000876)
(introducing modular tensor categories)
Textbook accounts:
Vladimir Turaev, Quantum invariants of knots and 3-manifolds, de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics 18 Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, 1994 (doi:10.1515/9783110435221)
Bojko Bakalov, Alexandre Kirillov, Lectures on tensor categories and modular functors AMS, University Lecture Series, (2000) (ISBN:978-1-4704-2168-7, webpage).
See also:
Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, William Petersen, Construction of Modular Functors from Modular Tensor Categories (arXiv:1602.04907)
Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Construction of the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev TQFT from conformal field theory (arXiv:1110.5027)
Kevin Walker, On Witten’s 3-Manifold Invariants (old version draft of new version)
Discussion that relates the geometric quantization of -Chern-Simons theory to the Reshetikhin-Turaev construction of a 3d-TQFT from the modular tensor category induced by is in
and references cited there.
Relation to the Crane-Yetter model:
Last revised on March 17, 2025 at 09:40:16. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.