For a (pseudo-)Riemannian manifold with smooth manifold and vielbein field , its scalar curvature is the smooth function
defined to be the trace of the Ricci tensor of
Example 2.1. For and , the Ricci tensor of the round -sphere of radius satisfies
for all unit-length tangent vectors , .
Accordingly, the scalar curvature of the round -sphere of radius is the constant function with value
The product of the scalar curvature with the volume form is the Lagrangian of the theory (physics) of gravity. The corresponding action functional is the Einstein-Hilbert action.
Most references listed at Riemannian geometry discuss scalar curvature, for instance
John M. Lee, Riemannian manifolds. An introduction to curvature, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 176 Springer (1997) [ISBN: 0-387-98271-X]
second edition (retitled):
John M. Lee, Introduction to Riemannian Manifolds, Springer (2018) [ISBN:978-3-319-91754-2, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91755-9]
Last revised on July 30, 2024 at 13:15:26. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.