nLab classical model structure on simplicial sets -- references

Classical model structure on simplicial sets

Classical model structure on simplicial sets

On the classical model structure on simplicial sets:

The original proof is due to

This proof is purely combinatorial (i.e. does not pass through geometric realization of simplicial sets as topological spaces): Quillen uses the theory of minimal Kan fibrations, the fact that the latter are fiber bundles, as well as the fact that the simplicial classifying space of a simplicial group is a Kan complex.

Other proofs are were given in:

A proof (in fact two variants of it) using the Kan fibrant replacement Ex Ex^\infty functor is given (in the context of_Cisinski model structure) in:

The crucial step is the proof that the fibrations are precisely the Kan fibrations (and also to prove all the good properties of Ex Ex^\infty without using topological spaces); for two different proofs of this fact using Ex Ex^\infty, see Prop. 2.1.41 as well as Scholium 2.3.21 for an alternative). For the rest, everything was already in the book of Gabriel and Zisman, for instance.

Another approach using Ex Ex^\infty is:

A proof of the model structure not relying on the classical model structure on topological spaces nor on explicit models for Kan fibrant replacement is in

Proofs valid in constructive mathematics are given in:

As a categorical semantics for homotopy type theory, the model structure on simplicial sets is considered in

Created on July 27, 2021 at 09:57:40. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.