higher geometry / derived geometry
geometric little (∞,1)-toposes
geometric big (∞,1)-toposes
derived smooth geometry
Given a deformation context , the (∞,1)-category of formal moduli problems over it is the full sub-(∞,1)-category of the (∞,1)-category of (∞,1)-presheaves over
on those (∞,1)-functors such that
over the terminal object they are contractible: (hence they are anti-reduced);
they preserve (∞,1)-pullbacks of small morphisms (are infinitesimally cohesive)
(Lurie, Def. 1.1.14 with Def. 1.1.8)
This means that a “formal deformation problem” is a space in higher geometry whose geometric structure is detected by the “test spaces” in in a way that respects gluing (descent) in as given by (∞,1)-pullbacks there. The first condition requires that there is an essentially unique such probe by the point, hence that these higher geometric space has essentially a single global point. This is the condition that reflects the infinitesimal nature of the deformation problem.
The clause about pullbacks is what makes the behaviour at arbitrary infinitesimal order be all controlled by that at first order, see Calaque-Grivaux 18, top of p. 8.
This ability to understand deformations order-by-order is related to the existence of a good obstruction theory. Indeed, evaluating a formal moduli problem on a pullback diagram defining an elementary morphism exhibits as an obstruction space.
For a field of characteristic 0, write write for the (∞,1)-category of Artinian connective E-∞ algebras over , or equivalently that of “small” commutative dg-algebras over .
The smallness condition implies connectivity (Lurie, prop. 1.1.11 (1)), hence that the homotopy group of these E-∞ algebras vanish in negative degree. Notice that for the dg-algebras this means that the chain homology vanishes in negative degree if the differential is taken to have degree -1 (see Porta 13, def. 3.1.14 for emphasis). This is the natural condition for the function algebra in derived geometry. Here these small /dg-algebras are to be thought of as function algebras on “derived infinitesimally thickened points”.
In this form this is (Lurie, theorem 0.0.13), originally proved as (Pridham, theorem 2.30 and proposition 4.42). See at model structure for L-∞ algebras for various other incarnations of this equivalence.
Given a deformation context , the restricted (∞,1)-Yoneda embedding gives an (∞,1)-functor
For , the object represents the formal neighbourhood of the basepoint of as seen by the infinitesimally thickened points dual to the .
Hence we may call this the operaton of Lie differentiation of spaces in around their given base point.
Jonathan Pridham, Unifying derived deformation theories, Adv. Math. 224 (2010), no.3, 772-826 (arXiv:0705.0344)
Jacob Lurie, Moduli problems for ring spectra ICM 2010 proceedings contribution pdf
Mauro Porta, Derived formal moduli problems, master thesis 2013, pdf.
Damien Calaque, Julien Grivaux, Formal moduli problems and formal derived stacks (arXiv:1802.09556)
Arjen Baarsma: Deformation problems and -algebras of Fréchet type, PhD thesis, Utrecht University (2019) [dspace:1874/386311, pdf]
Brice Le Grignou, Victor Roca i Lucio: A new approach to formal moduli problems [arXiv:2306.07227]
The correspondence between formal moduli problems and dg-Lie algebras is extended to positive characteristic in
Last revised on January 19, 2025 at 11:09:10. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.