A multi-adjoint is like an adjoint functor but sends each object to a family of objects rather than a single one.
Under mild conditions it is equivalent to the notion of parametric right adjoint.
Every multiadjunction induces a multimonad.
Let be a functor. We say has a left multi-adjoint if for each there are
such that for any morphism there exists a unique pair of an index and a morphism such that :
Of course, if each set is always a singleton, then Def. reduces to the notion of an actual left adjoint. On the other hand, if we remove the uniqueness requirement, this reduces to the solution set condition. Thus, a multi-adjoint is “halfway between” the solution-set condition and the actual existence of an adjoint. This point of view is taken seriously in (Arkor, Di Liberti, Loregian ‘24).
If in Def. we weaken the notion of adjunction in the opposite way, by removing the uniqueness requirement but keeping a singleton (or equivalently add to the solution-set condition that is a singleton), we obtain the notion of a weak adjoint.
Having a left multi-adjoint can be equivalently characterized as follows:
has a left multi-adjoint with and if for all and , there is an isomorphism , natural in .
We first prove the Hom-characterization from the definition. Given , we get . The definition demands that this is an isomorphism. To see naturality, let . Then
Now let be given. Then we define . By naturality, . Then invertibility of proves the condition in the definition.
For the following theorem, let be the category
whose objects are indexed sets of objects of , hence pairs where is a set and ,
whose morphisms consist of a function (note the contravariance) and .
Define .
Hence is the free cartesian monoidal category over , with the unit of the free cartesian monoidal category monad.
(This is dual to the free coproduct completion, an example of a Grothendieck construction, see here.)
A multi-adjoint to is a functor such that is -coadjoint to , meaning that
naturally in and .
We use the characterization in theorem .
First of all, note that the type of the object part of is the same as the type of ; let us identify these. Next, note that .
So to show that the characterization here implies the definition, we simply need to forget functoriality of and naturality in .
Conversely, assume that the object part of is given. Then we construct a morphism part such that is natural in .
Take . We want , i.e.
so we can take . Denote the components of as and .
This preserves the identity: .
This preserves composition. Let and . With some abuse of notation:
Now we prove that is natural in . Let and . Note that is essentially of the form for and . With more abuse of notation:
A functor has a left multiadjoint if and only if it factors (essentially uniquely) as a right adjoint functor followed by a discrete fibration.
Since both right adjoint functors and discrete fibrations have left multiadjoints, one direction follows from the closure of functors having left multiadjoints under composition.
In the other direction, every functor factors into a final functor followed by a discrete fibration via the comprehensive factorisation. If has a left multiadjoint, the final functor will in addition be right adjoint.
For a complete proof, see (Diers 80, Proposition 1.1).
Every parametric right adjoint with locally small codomain has a left multi-adjoint, where
Conversely, if has a terminal object and has a left multi-adjoint, then it is a parametric right adjoint. Indeed, using the characterization in theorem , we see immediately that
Moreover, by naturality in , for any morphism , the first component of is fully determined by .
The category Field of fields has a multi-initial object, i.e. the functor has a left multi-adjoint (Def. ). This consists of all the “prime fields”, and for some prime number .
The forgetful functor from the category of commutative local rings and local homomorphisms to the category of sets has a left multi-adjoint.
The notion of a multiadjoint functor is used to define the Diers spectrum. See there for more details.
The notion of multi-adjoints was developed by Diers in a series of publications.
Yves Diers, Catégories localisables, PhD thesis. Paris 6 et Centre universitaire de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis (1977) [Categories localisables.pdf]
Yves Diers, Catégories localement multiprésentables, Archiv der Mathematik 34.1 (1980), pp. 344–356.
Yves Diers, Une construction universelle des spectres, topologies spectrales et faisceaux structuraux, Communication in Algebra Volume 12, Issue 17-18 (1984) (doi:10.1080/00927878408823101)
(in discussion of the notion of spectra in geometry). See the papers by Osmond listed below.
See also:
Yves Diers, Multimonads and multimonadic categories, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 17 (1980) 153-170 (pdf)
Axel Osmond, On Diers theory of Spectrum I: Stable functors and right multi-adjoints, (arXiv:2012.00853)
Axel Osmond, On Diers theory of Spectrum II: Geometries and dualities, (arXiv:2012.02167)
On other notions of adjoint functors and their relation to each other:
Last revised on February 26, 2025 at 04:35:54. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.