nLab sequentially Cauchy complete Archimedean ordered field setoid




Constructivism, Realizability, Computability




In constructive real analysis, there have been many different proposals to define a well-behaved notion of the real numbers, such as the Dedekind real numbers. However, there is one definition of real numbers classically which is not well behaved in constructive mathematics: The Cauchy real numbers, whether defined with or without moduli of continuity. While the set of Cauchy sequences of the rational numbers is sequentially Cauchy complete, the Cauchy real numbers as defined as a quotient set of Cauchy sequences of the rational numbers is not sequentially Cauchy complete, because quotient sets do not preserve sequential Cauchy completeness. In addition, some foundations of mathematics, such as the original predicative Martin-Loef type theory with canonicity, are sufficiently weak that they do not have quotient sets. As a result, for a more well-behaved notion of real numbers, they instead use directly the set of Cauchy sequences of the rational numbers with modulus of continuity as an Archimedean ordered field setoid, which happen to be sequentially Cauchy complete

The notion of sequentially Cauchy complete Archimedean ordered field setoid is to unify the different approaches to the well-behaved real numbers in real analysis.

Sequential cauchy completeness is important in real analysis because it is used in various approaches to real analysis to define certain functions on the real numbers and prove many properties of the real numbers, such as the analytic functions and the fundamental theorem of calculus - which are not definable or provable without sequential Cauchy completeness of the real numbers.



There are many examples of a sequentially Cauchy complete Archimedean ordered field setoid. These include:

Created on July 10, 2024 at 20:17:20. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.