On an experimentally accessible analog of confinement, observed in superinsulators (the dual to superconductors), where the role of quark-pairs is played by Cooper pairs:
M. Cristina Diamantini, Carlo A. Trugenberger, Valeri M. Vinokur: Confinement and Asymptotic Freedom with Cooper pairs, Nature Comm. Phys. 1 77 (2018) [arXiv:1807.01984, doi:10.1038/s42005-018-0073-9]
M. Cristina Diamantini, Carlo A. Trugenberger: Superinsulators: a toy realization of QCD in condensed matter, Ch. 23 in Roman Jackiw – 80th Birthday Festschrift, World Scientific (2020) 275-286 [arXiv:2008.12541]
Carlo A. Trugenberger: Superinsulators, Bose Metals and High- Superconductors: The Quantum Physics of Emergent Magnetic Monopoles, World Scientific (2022) [arXiv:10.1142/12688]
Carlo A. Trugenberger: Superinsulation: Magnetic Monopoles and Electric Confinement in Condensed Matter, talk at CQTS (Feb 2025) [slides:pdf]
Last revised on February 6, 2025 at 08:51:31. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.