nLab De Morgan algebra

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De Morgan algebras

This page is about distributive lattices equipped with a contravariant involution. For Heyting algebras satisfying de Morgan's law, which are also sometimes called “De Morgan algebras”, see De Morgan Heyting algebra.

De Morgan algebras


A De Morgan algebra is a distributive lattice DD equipped with a contravariant involution, i.e. a map ¬:D opD\neg : D^{op}\to D such that ¬¬A=A\neg\neg A = A. This implies that ¬\neg satisfies De Morgan’s laws: ¬(AB)=¬A¬B\neg(A\wedge B) = \neg A \vee \neg B and ¬(AB)=¬A¬B\neg (A\vee B) = \neg A \wedge \neg B.


  • Any Boolean algebra is a De Morgan algebra, with ¬\neg the logical negation.
  • Any star-autonomous poset that happens to be a distributive lattice is a De Morgan algebra, with ¬\neg the star-autonomous involution () *(-)^*.
  • The unit interval [0,1][0,1] is a De Morgan algebra, with ¬x=(1x)\neg x = (1-x).
  • The four-point algebra with two parallel lines: {0,a,b,1}\{0, a, b, 1\} with ¬a=a\neg a = a, ¬b=b\neg b = b, ab=1a \vee b = 1 and ab=0a \wedge b = 0 is a small example of a De Morgan algebra which is not Boolean.
  • The set {(P,Q)Ω×Ω|¬(PQ)=}\{(P, Q) \in \Omega \times \Omega \vert \neg (P \wedge Q) = \top\} of mutually exclusive propositions in constructive mathematics is a De Morgan algebra where the distributive lattice structure is given by the additive conjunction and additive disjunction of the affine logic of mutually exclusive propositions, and the involution is given by the linear negation. See antithesis interpretation for more details.
  • More generally, given any Heyting algebra LL, the set {(a,b)L×L|¬(ab)=}\{(a, b) \in L \times L \vert \neg (a \wedge b) = \top\} is a De Morgan algebra where the distributive lattice structure is given by (,)\top \coloneqq (\top, \bot), (,)\bot \coloneqq (\bot, \top), (a,b)(c,d)(ac,bd)(a, b) \sqcap (c, d) \coloneqq (a \wedge c, b \vee d) and (a,b)(c,d)(ac,bd)(a, b) \sqcup (c, d) \coloneqq (a \vee c, b \wedge d), and the involution is given by ¬(a,b)(b,a)\neg (a, b) \coloneqq (b, a).

Last revised on March 13, 2025 at 04:49:09. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.