nLab mutually exclusive propositions

For other notions of mutually exclusive, see mutual exclusivity.


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Two propositions PP and QQ are said to be mutually exclusive if ¬(PQ)\neg (P \wedge Q) holds.

By currying, both P¬QP \Rightarrow \neg Q and Q¬PQ \Rightarrow \neg P hold. As a result, in the antithesis interpretation of intuitionistic logic, PP is a negation of QQ and QQ is a negation of PP. In addition, PP is affirmative and QQ is refutative if the implication Q¬PQ \Rightarrow \neg P is a logical equivalence Q¬PQ \iff \neg P; i.e. QQ is the Heyting negation of PP. Conversely, PP is refutative and QQ is affirmative if the implication P¬QP \Rightarrow \neg Q is a logical equivalence P¬QP \iff \neg Q; i.e. PP is the Heyting negation of QQ. PP and QQ are both stable if they are both affirmative and refutative. PP and QQ are decidable if PQP \vee Q holds.

In dependent type theory under the propositions as types interpretation, two types PP and QQ are mutually exclusive if there is an element p:(P×Q)p:(P \times Q) \to \emptyset of the function type from the product type P×QP \times Q to the empty type \emptyset.


Last revised on January 17, 2025 at 17:45:50. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.