nLab Nicholas Warner

Selected writings

Selected writings

On coset spaces (homogeneous spaces) and their Maurer-Cartan forms in application to first-order formulation of (super-)gravity:

On gauged D=7 supergravity:

On the partition function of the superstring (heterotic string and type II string) as a modular form with values in the Chern character of the background field strengths (“character-valued partition function”, a little later called the elliptic genus/Witten genus) and relation to Green-Schwarz anomaly cancellation:

On supersymmetry and G-structure (notably Spin(7)-structure in M-theory on 8-manifolds):

On Landau-Ginzburg models:

On gauged D=5 supergravity:

On E-strings as M5-branes wrapped on a half K3?:

On the Myers effect in M-theory for M2-branes polarizing into M5-branes of fuzzy 3-sphere-shape, with emphasis on the role of the Page charge/Hopf WZ term:

On non-uniqueness of black rings:

On AdS-CFT dual type II supergravity-solutions corresponding to D1-D5-P bound states (“superstrata”):

and the non-supersymmetric generalization via AdS3-CFT2 duality (“microstrata”):

On (in-)stability of non-supersymmetric AdS vacua in string theory:

On M2-M5-brane bound states:

On black holes in string theory via supergravity solutions (fuzzballs):

category: people

Last revised on March 24, 2025 at 05:53:46. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.