nLab Steven Gubser

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Selected writings

Introducing the dictionary of the AdS-CFT correspondence:

“Relations between gauge fields and strings present an old, fascinating and unanswered question. The full answer to this question is of great importance for theoretical physics. It will provide us with a theory of quark confinement by explaining the dynamics of color-electric fluxes.”

comprehensive review:

On single trace operators in the AdS/CFT correspondence:

On double trace operators in AdS/CFT:

Discussion of superconductivity via AdS/CFT in condensed matter physics:

On holographic superconductors via AdS4/CFT3 duality (i.e. with the bulk in 11d supergravity aka M-theory):

On the p-adic AdS/CFT correspondence:

Proposed realization of aspects of p-adic AdS/CFT correspondence in solid-state physics:

  • Gregory Bentsen, Tomohiro Hashizume, Anton S. Buyskikh, Emily J. Davis, Andrew J. Daley, Steven Gubser, Monika Schleier-Smith, Treelike interactions and fast scrambling with cold atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 130601 (2019) (arXiv:1905.11430)
category: people

Last revised on September 15, 2024 at 15:45:13. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.