nLab anyons in the quantum Hall effect -- references

Anyons in fractional quantum Hall systems

Anyons in fractional quantum Hall systems

References on anyon-excitations (satisfying braid group statistics) in the quantum Hall effect (for more on the application to topological quantum computation see the references there):

The prediction of abelian anyon-excitations in the quantum Hall effect (i.e. satisfying braid group statistics in 1-dimensional linear representations of the braid group):

The original discussion of non-abelian anyon-excitations in the quantum Hall effect (i.e. satisfying braid group statistics in higher dimensional linear representations of the braid group, related to modular tensor categories):


As potential hardware for topological quantum computing:

Observation of anyons in fractional quantum Hall systems

While the occurrence of anyon-excitations in the fractional quantum Hall effect is a robust theoretical prediction (see the references above), and while the fractional quantum Hall effect itself has long been established in experiment, the actual observation of anyons in these systems is subtle:

An early claim of the observation of non-abelian anyons seems to remain unconfirmed:

  • Sanghun An, P. Jiang, H. Choi, W. Kang, S. H. Simon, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West, K. W. Baldwin, Braiding of Abelian and Non-Abelian Anyons in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect [arXiv:1112.3400]

The claimed observation of abelian anyons is more securely established:

In gallium arsenide (GaAsGaAs) heterostructures:

and in graphene heterostructures:

  • Noah Samuelson et al.: Anyonic statistics and slow quasiparticle dynamics in a graphene fractional quantum Hall interferometer [arXiv:2403.19628]

  • Jehyun Kim et al.: Aharonov-Bohm Interference in Even-Denominator Fractional Quantum Hall States [arXiv:2412.19886]

Last revised on February 28, 2025 at 16:27:33. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.