Transfors between 2-categories
Morphisms in 2-categories
Structures in 2-categories
Limits in 2-categories
Structures on 2-categories
The notion of comma object or comma square is a generalization of the notion of pullback or pullback square from category theory to 2-category theory: it is a special kind of 2-limit (and, in particular, a PIE-limit).
Where a pullback involves a commuting square, for a comma object this square is filled by a 2-morphism.
Definition 2.1. (comma object)
The comma object of a pair of 1-morphisms and in a 2-category is an object equipped with projections and and a 2-morphism of this form:
Remark 2.2. (terminology)
Comma objects are also sometimes called lax pullbacks, but this term more properly refers to the lax limit of a cospan, which is a slightly different notion.
Remark 2.3. (in components) More concretely:
Part of Def. 2.1 is the statement that for any object , 1-morphisms , and 2-morphisms there is a 1-morphism and isomorphisms , such that modulo these isomorphisms, we have .
In addition there is the “2-dimensional universality” saying that given and and 2-morphisms and such that , there exists a unique 2-morphism such that and .
Notice that the 2-dimensional property implies that in the 1-dimensional property, the 1-morphism is unique up to unique isomorphism. A square containing a 2-cell with this property is sometimes called a comma square.
Remark 2.4. By an iso-comma object one means the analogous notion as in Def. 2.1, now subject to the requirement that the 2-morphism is a 2-isomorphism and subject to the relevant universal property.
For more on this case see at 2-pullback.
Remark 2.5. The notion of a strict comma object is analogous to that of Def. 2.1 but has the universal property of a strict 2-limit. This means that given , , and as above, there exists a unique such that , , and . Note that any strict comma object is a comma object, but the converse is not in general true.
When combining this with the constraint in Rem. 2.4, one also has the notion of strict iso-comma objects
The comma object can be constructed by means of pullbacks and cotensors:
where is the cotensor of with the arrow category .
Suppose given a diagram
where the right-hand square is a comma square. Then the following are equivalent:
The proof is analogous to that at pullback.
In Cat, a comma category is a comma object (in fact a strict one, as normally defined); these give their name to the general notion.
In the 2-category of virtual double categories, a comma object is a comma double category. If the virtual double categories are (pseudo) double categories and the domain functor in is strong (while might be only lax), then the comma object is also a pseudo double category and the comma object lives in the 2-category of pseudo double categories and lax functors.
Notions of pullback:
pullback, fiber product (limit over a cospan)
lax pullback, comma object (lax limit over a cospan)
(∞,1)-pullback, homotopy pullback, ((∞,1)-limit over a cospan)
Last revised on June 11, 2024 at 17:30:36. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.