Transfors between 2-categories
Morphisms in 2-categories
Structures in 2-categories
Limits in 2-categories
Structures on 2-categories
One notion often called an enriched bicategory is the same as that of an enriched category, but where the enriching context is allowed to be generalized from a monoidal category to a monoidal bicategory, while suitably weakening the associativity and unitality conditions on the enrichment. Thus, it has a collection of objects with hom-objects . It may also naturally be called a pseudo enriched category.
A different notion that is also sometimes called an enriched bicategory is that of a bicategory enriched over a monoidal 1-category (which must be at least braided) at the level of 2-cells only. Thus it has a collection of objects, with 1-morphisms between the objects, and for any parallel 1-morphisms , a hom-object . This can be identified with a -enriched bicategory in the previous sense, so on this page we focus on the former, more general, definition.
For a monoidal bicategory, a -enriched (bi)category consists of
a collection of objects;
for every ordered pair of objects a hom-object
for every ordered triple a composition morphism of the form
for every object an identity morphism
from the tensor unit of ;
called the associator
similarly left and right unitors
such that some more or less evident coherence conditions hold (see the references).
When , a -enriched bicategory is just a plain bicategory.
When is an ordinary monoidal category, a -enriched bicategory is just an ordinary enriched category.
When is the cartesian monoidal 2-category of bicategories, pseudo 2-functors, and icons, then a -enriched bicategory is an iconic tricategory?.
When is the cartesian monoidal 2-category of fully faithful functors, then a -enriched bicategory is a weak F-category.
Bicategories enriched in monoidal 2-categories first appeared in:
Syméon Bozapalides, Théorie formelle des bicatégories, PhD thesis, 1976.
Syméon Bozapalides, Bicatégories relatives à une 2-catégorie multiplicative, CRAS, 1976.
The definition appeared independently in:
A definition also appeared in
Forcey has studied the combinatorics of polytopes associated to enrichment and higher categories in detail. See for example
The definition is reviewed in
and in Chapter 7 of
and studied further in
Last revised on July 28, 2023 at 16:14:36. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.