Transfors between 2-categories
Morphisms in 2-categories
Structures in 2-categories
Limits in 2-categories
Structures on 2-categories
The notion referred to as equiv-fibrations [Lack 2002] or equifibrations [Campbell 2020, Def. 4.1] (both meant to be short fort equivalence-fibrations) or Lack fibrations [Moser, Sarazola & Verdugo 2022] is a categorification of that of isofibrations, from category theory to 2-category theory. Roughly speaking, a 2-functor between 2-categories is an equifibration if equivalences in can be ‘lifted’ to equivalences in . However, there are some subtleties to the precise definition, discussed below.
Beware that there is unrelated terminology of equifibered natural transformations.
The following works for both weak and strict 2-categories and weak and strict 2-functors.
Definition 2.1. A equifibration is a 2-functor between 2-categories such that, for every object of , and every 1-morphism of which is an equivalence, the following hold:
There is an object of and an equivalence in such that .
For every 1-morphism of and every 2-isomorphism in , there is a 2-isomorphism in such that .
Remark 2.2. Let be the free-standing equivalence. Then condition (1.) in Definition 2.1 is equivalent to saying that for every (strictly!) commutative diagram of 1-morphismd
in , the 2-category of 2-categories, there is a functor such that the following diagram of 1-morphisns in (strictly!) commutes.
The same is true if is the free-standing adjoint equivalence, due to the fact that any equivalence can be improved to an adjoint equivalence.
Remark 2.3. Remark 2.2 can be compared with the definition of an isofibration of 1-categories as expressed by a lifting condition: the condition is exactly the same, with the free-standing isomorphism replaced by the free-standing equivalence.
Remark 2.4. Let us explore the second condition in Definition 2.1 a little. Note that any 1-morphism which is 2-isomorphic to an equivalence is itself an equivalence. Thus is an equivalence, and condition 1. then ensures that lifts to an equivalence in such that . Condition 2. expresses that must be 2-isomorphic to . This implies in particular that is an equivalence.
Putting everything together, condition 2. is equivalent to: any 1-arrow of which maps to under up to 2-isomorphism is an equivalence, and all equivalences of which map to under up to 2-isomorphism are 2-isomorphic to one another, in such a way that, given 1-arrows and of , a 2-isomorphism in , and a 2-isomorphism in , the 2-isomorphism in has the property that .
The original article, speaking of equiv-fibrations:
Beware that Lack 2002 contains an error, not pertaining directly to the definition of a equifibration itself, but to obtaining a model category structure on the category of strict 2-categories with this definition (cf. canonical model structure on 2-categories). This was fixed in the following paper Lack 2004 by using the free-standing adjoint equivalence rather than the free-standing equivalence in the generating acyclic cofibrations:
In Lack 2004, equifibrations were unnamed (and simply referred to as fibrations).
The term equifibrations is used in:
The term Lack fibrations is used in:
Last revised on March 10, 2024 at 02:48:23. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.