nLab extended natural numbers object


Topos Theory

topos theory



Internal Logic

Topos morphisms

Extra stuff, structure, properties

Cohomology and homotopy

In higher category theory





Recall that a topos is a category that behaves likes the category Set of sets.

An extended natural numbers object (extended NNO) in a topos is an object that behaves internal to that topos like the set ¯\overline{\mathbb{N}} of extended natural numbers does in Set.


In a topos or cartesian closed distributive category

An extended natural numbers object in any topos (or any cartesian closed distributive category) EE with terminal object 11 and coproduct A+BA + B is

  • an object ¯\overline{\mathbb{N}} in EE

  • equipped with a morphism p:¯(1+¯)p:\overline{\mathbb{N}} \to (1 + \overline{\mathbb{N}})

  • such that for every other object AA with morphism q:A(1+A)q:A \to (1 + A), there is a unique morphism μ A:A¯\mu_A:A \to \overline{\mathbb{N}} such that this diagram commutes:

A q 1+A μ A μ A ¯ p 1+¯ \array{& A & \overset{q}\rightarrow & 1 + A & \\ \mu_A & \downarrow &&\downarrow & \mu_A\\ &\overline{\mathbb{N}} & \underset{p}\rightarrow& 1 + \overline{\mathbb{N}} & \\ }

Thus, the extended NNO is the terminal coalgebra for the endofunctor A1+AA \mapsto 1 + A on EE.

In a symmetric closed distributive monoidal category

The above definition makes sense in any symmetric closed distributive monoidal category CC, provided that we use the tensor unit and tensor product instead of the terminal object and cartesian product.

An extended natural numbers object in a symmetric closed distributive monoidal category CC with tensor unit II and coproduct ABA \oplus B is

  • an object N¯\overline{N} in CC

  • equipped with a morphism p:N¯(IN¯)p:\overline{N} \to (I \oplus \overline{N})

  • such that for every other object AA with morphism q:A(IA)q:A \to (I \oplus A), there is a unique morphism μ A:AN¯\mu_A:A \to \overline{N} such that this diagram commutes:

A q IA μ A μ A N¯ p IN¯ \array{& A & \overset{q}\rightarrow & I \oplus A & \\ \mu_A & \downarrow &&\downarrow & \mu_A\\ &\overline{N} & \underset{p}\rightarrow& I \oplus \overline{N} & \\ }



If the topos is a Boolean topos with a natural numbers object, then the extended natural numbers object ¯\overline{\mathbb{N}} is isomorphic to the object +1\mathbb{N} + 1.

Last revised on December 23, 2023 at 01:40:19. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.