Topological Physics – Phenomena in physics controlled by the topology (often: the homotopy theory) of the physical system.
General theory:
In metamaterials:
For quantum computation:
In general the term fictitious gauge field could refer to any auxiliary gauge field. Specifically the term is used:
in anyon statistics for a model of anyons as fermions which each source and each couple to a flat U(1)-gauge field causing mutual Aharonov-Bohm phases;
in solid state physics for effects analogous to Berry curvatures caused by crystal strain or dislocations.
A model for anyon statistics via otherwise free fermions in 2d, mutually interacting through a flat “fictitious gauge field” has been proposed in Arovas, Schrieffer, Wilczek & Zee 1985, developed in Chen, Wilczek, Witten & Halperin 1989. This model has been advertized in several early reviews (e.g. Wilczek 1990, §I.3, Wilczek 1991, but seems not to have been developed much since:
The model regards anyons as a priori free fermions, but equipped now with a non-local mutual interaction via a “fictitious gauge field” (CWWH89, §2), in that each of the particles is modeled as the singular source of a flat circle connection (a vector potential with vanishing field strength), which hence exerts no Lorentz force but has the effect that globally each particle is subject to the same Aharonov-Bohm effect as would be caused by a tuple of infinite solenoids piercing through each of the other particle’s positions.
For emphasis, from CWWH89, p. 359:
Here the particles are to be regarded (in the absence of interactions) as fermions; the interaction then makes them anyons with statistical parameter .
It follows that (quoting from Fröhlich, Gabbiani & Marchetti 1990, p. 20):
If the Hilbert space of anyon wave functions must be chosen to be a space of multi-valued functions with half-monodromies given by the phase factors . Such wave functions can be viewed as single-valued functions on the universal cover of the configuration space of points.
Incidentally, the quasi-particle-excitations of (or in) a gas of such Aharonov-Bohm phased anyons are argued to be vortices (CWWH89, p. 457):
we are led to conclude that in anyon superconductivity, charged quasi-particles and vortices do not constitute two separate sorts of elementary excitations - they are one and the same.
Daniel P. Arovas, Robert Schrieffer, Frank Wilczek, Anthony Zee, Statistical mechanics of anyons, Nuclear Physics B 251 (1985) 117-126 (reprinted in Wilczek 1990, p. 173-182) doi:10.1016/0550-3213(85)90252-4
Yi-Hong Chen, Frank Wilczek, Edward Witten, Bertrand Halperin, On Anyon Superconductivity, International Journal of Modern Physics B 03 07 (1989) 1001-1067 (reprinted in Wilczek 1990, p. 342-408) doi:10.1142/S0217979289000725, pdf
Review in:
Jürg Fröhlich, Fabrizio Gabbiani, Pieralberto Marchetti, Braid statistics in three-dimensional local quantum field theory, in: H.C. Lee (ed.) Physics, Geometry and Topology NATO ASI Series, 238 Springer (1990) doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-3802-8_2, pdf
Frank Wilczek, Fractional Statistics and Anyon Superconductivity, World Scientific (1990) doi:10.1142/0961
Frank Wilczek, States of Anyon Matter, International Journal of Modern Physics B 05 09 (1991) 1273-1312 doi:10.1142/S0217979291000626
Fictitious gauge fields:
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