This entry is about the concept in order theory. See at group order for the concept of the same name in group theory.
An order on a set is (usually) a binary relation that is, at the very least, transitive.
Actually, there are several different notions of order that are each useful in their own ways:
The closely related notions of a cyclic order and betweeness are not actually binary but ternary relations.
The study of orders is order theory.
A mostly unrelated notion from group theory is order of a group, meaning the cardinality of the underlying set of a group , especially when this is finite.
By extension, one speaks of the order of an element , as the order of the cyclic subgroup generated by the element. For example, the order of a permutation is the least integer such that .
Sometimes one thinks of an infinite group as having order zero. The orders then have the natural order relation of divisibility?.
The term ‘order’ can also be used fairly generically as a synonym of ‘degree’ or ‘rank’, as in first-order logic, the order of a differential equation, etc. Of course, these various orders form a well-order, so this is not entirely unrelated either.
Last revised on March 25, 2025 at 11:11:53. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.