nLab quantization of M2-brane to matrix model -- references

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Quantization of the M2-brane sigma-model to a matrix model

Quantization of the M2-brane sigma-model to a matrix model

The Poisson bracket-formulation of the classical light-cone gauge Hamiltonian for the bosonic relativistic membrane and the corresponding matrix commutator regularization is due to:

Some exact solutions:

On the regularized light-cone gauge quantization of the Green-Schwarz sigma model for the M2-brane on (super) Minkowski spacetime, yielding the BFSS matrix model:

Original articles:

Observation that the spectrum is continuous:


The generalization to pp-wave spacetimes (leading to the BMN matrix model):

See also

A new kind of perturbation series for the quantized super-membrane:

Relation to the string dilaton under double dimensional reduction:

Last revised on May 6, 2024 at 17:07:04. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.