nLab Hermann Nicolai

Selected writings

Introducing what came to be called the Nicolai map:

On the singleton representations of the orthosymplectic super Lie algebra:

Realizing local 𝔰𝔲(8)\mathfrak{su}(8) U-duality symmetry of D=11 supergravity:

Realizing local 𝔰𝔬(18)\mathfrak{so}(18) U-duality symmetry of D=11 supergravity:

On D=2 supergravity:

On quantization of the M2-brane Green-Schwarz sigma-model by the BFSS matrix model:

On gauged D=4 N=8 supergravity:

On D=3 supergravity:

On D=3 gauged supergravity and introducing the concept of embedding tensors:

On U-duality symmetry of D=11 supergravity in view of M-theory:

Discussion of E9 in view of U-duality-symmetry of D=11 supergravity reduced to D=2D=2 (finite-dimensional representations of the maximal compact subalgebra 𝔨=Lie(K(E 9))\mathfrak{k} = Lie\big(K(E_9)\big):

On the maximal compact subalgebras of E9 and E10, respectively, and their finite-dimensional linear representations:

On tensor hierarchies in gauged supergravity and possible relation to U-duality and M-theory:

On 4d gauged supergravity and 11d supergravity:

On U-duality in supergravity:

On a 1d sigma-model on a coset space of the E10 U-duality-group as a potential model for the M-theory-completion of 11D supergravity:

On E10 and E11 representation theory:

On E10-U-duality exceptional field theory with fermions (E 10/K(E 10)E_{10}/K(E_{10})-coset model supersymmetric quantum mechanics):

and speculation about relation to phenomenology (standard model of particle physics):

On E9 BPS states:

On infinite-dimensional Kac-Moody algebras as U-duality symmetries of D=11 supergravity, with focus on the example of E10:

On super-heavy gravitinos as dark matter candidates, by embedding D=4 N=8 supergravity into E10-U-duality-invariant M-theory:

On higher spin gauge theory and Kac-Moody algebras:

On a perturbation series for the M2-brane Green-Schwarz sigma-model quantized to the BFSS matrix model:

and on the relation to the string theory-dilaton under double dimensional reduction:

On quantum gravity:

On Lars Brink:

On the history of supersymmetry:

Survey of D=4 N=8 supergravity:

category: people

Last revised on March 18, 2025 at 13:03:50. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.