symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
If a monad or comonad on a topos is sufficiently well behaved, then the category of (co)algebras over the (co)monad is itself an (elementary) topos.
Proposition 2.1. Let be a topos. Then
if a comonad is left exact, then the category of coalgebras is itself an (elementary) topos.
the cofree/forgetful adjunction
is a geometric morphism.
If is furthermore accessible and is a sheaf topos, then also is a sheaf topos.
Even if is merely pullback-preserving, the category of coalgebras is a topos.
Therefore, if a monad has a right adjoint, then the category of algebras is itself an (elementary) topos. (Because the right adjoint of a monad carries a comonad structure, evidently a left exact comonad, and there is a canonical equivalence between the category of algebras over the monad and the category of coalgebras over the comonad.)
If a monad on a topos is pullback-preserving and idempotent, then the category of algebras is a subtopos (hence the category of sheaves for some Lawvere-Tierney topology).
The result for left exact comonads appears for instance as (MacLaneMoerdijk, V 8. theorem 4); the result for monads possessing a right adjoint appears in op. cit. as corollary 7. The statement on pullback-preserving comonads is given in The Elephant, A.4.2.3. For (∞,1)-toposes see this MO discussion.
Proposition 2.2. The geometric morphisms of the form from prop. 2.1 are precisely, up to equivalence, the geometric surjections.
This appears as (MacLaneMoerdijk, VII 4. prop. 4).
This way the geometric surjection/embedding factorization in Topos is constructed. See there for more.
Observation 3.1. For any geometric morphism, the induced comonad
is evidently left exact, hence is a topos of coalgebras. See also at monadic descent.
Observation 3.2. The so-called “fundamental theorem of topos theory”, that an overcategory of a topos is a topos, is a corollary of the result that the category of coalgebras of a pullback-preserving comonad on a topos is a topos (the slice being the category of coalgebras of the comonad ).
Saunders MacLane, Ieke Moerdijk, section V 8. of Sheaves in Geometry and Logic
Peter Johnstone, When is a variety a topos?, Algebra Universalis, 21 (1985) 198-212
Peter Johnstone, Collapsed toposes and cartesian closed varieties, link
Peter Johnstone, Cartesian monads on toposes, link
Last revised on October 11, 2015 at 00:47:36. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.