higher geometry / derived geometry
geometric little (∞,1)-toposes
geometric big (∞,1)-toposes
derived smooth geometry
group cohomology, nonabelian group cohomology, Lie group cohomology
cohomology with constant coefficients / with a local system of coefficients
differential cohomology
A variant of étale morphism of schemes where the finiteness conditions on étale morphisms are relaxed.
Used in the definition of pro-étale site and pro-étale cohomology.
A morphism of schemes is called weakly étale if
is a flat morphism of schemes;
its diagonal is also flat.
(Bhatt-Scholze 13, def. 4.1.1)
Every weakly étale morphism is a formally étale morphism.
(Gabber-Ramero 03, theorem 2.5.36, prop. 3.2.16 Bhatt-Scholze 13, prop. 2.3.3. (2))
As discussed there, an étale morphism is a formally étale morphism which is locally of finite presentation.
A weakly étale morphism which is locally of finite presentation is an étale morphism.
étale morphism weakly étale morphism formally étale morphism
In fact a weakly étale morphism is equivalently a formally étale morphism which is “locally pro-finitely presentable” (dually locally of ind-finite rank) in the following sense
For a homomorphism of rings, say that it is an ind-étale morphism if that -algebra is a filtered colimit of -étale algebras.
Let be a homomorphism of rings.
Almost conversely
(Bhatt-Scholze 13, theorem 1.3)
The sheaf toposes over the sites of weak étale morphisms and of pro-étale morphisms of schemes into some base scheme are equivalent, both define the pro-étale topos over the pro-étale site.
étale morphism pro-étale morphism weakly étale morphism formally étale morphism
Ofer Gabber and Lorenzo Ramero, Almost ring theory, volume 1800 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003. (arXiv:math/0201175)
Bhargav Bhatt, Peter Scholze, The pro-étale topology for schemes (arXiv:1309.1198)
Last revised on June 30, 2016 at 12:05:06. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.