K-Theory for Operator Algebras
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Operator algebra
Index theory
This entry collects links for the book
on operator algebra, operator K-theory and KK-theory.
Chapter I. Introduction to K-theory
1. Survey of topological K-theory
2. Overview of operator K-theory
Chapter II. Preliminaries
3. Local Banach algebras and inductive limits
4. Idempotents and Equivalence
Chapter III. -theory and order
5. Basic -theory
6. Order structure on
7. Theore of AF algebras
Chapter IV. -theory and Bott periodicity
8. Higher K-groups
9. Bott periodictiy
Chapter V. -theory of crossed products
10. The Pimsner-Voiculescu exact sequence and Connes’ Thom isomorphism
11. Equivariant K-theory
Chapter VI. More preliminaries
12. Multiplier algebras
13. Hilbert modules
14. Graded -algebra
Chapter VII. Theory of extensions
15. Basic theory of extensions
16. Brown-Douglas-Fillmore theory and other applications
Chapter VIII. KK-theory
17. Basic theory
18. The intersection product
19. Further structure in KK-theory
20. Equivariant KK-theory
Chapter IX. Further topics
21. Homology and Cohomology Theories on -algebras
22. Axiomatic K-theory
23. Universal coefficient theorems and Künneth theorems
24. Survey of applications to geometry and topology
25. E-theory
Last revised on March 14, 2021 at 15:17:25.
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