Transfors between 2-categories
Morphisms in 2-categories
Structures in 2-categories
Limits in 2-categories
Structures on 2-categories
A double category consists of objects, two classes of 1-morphisms (horizontal and vertical), and 2-morphisms between these.
The idea behind a right-connected double category is that each vertical morphism has an underlying horizontal morphism . Therefore, the vertical morphisms should be understood as horizontal morphisms with certain properties or equipped with additional structure. Correspondingly, the main examples of right-connected double categories arise from orthogonal factorization systems or algebraic weak factorization systems, where the vertical morphisms are in the right class of the factorization system.
The concept of a right-connected double category is unrelated to the notion of a “connection on a double category”.
A double category is right-connected if its identity-assigning map is right adjoint to its codomain-assigning map .
Dually, a double category is left-connected if its identity-assigning map is left adjoint to its domain-assigning map .
This definition makes sense for any pseudo category object in a 2-category.
Let denote the 2-category of right-connected double categories, unitary double functors (those which preserve vertical identities strictly), and horizontal transformations.
We can unpack the definition of right-connectedness as follows. Let denote the unit of the adjunction , and let the counit be the identity natural transformation by the axioms of an internal category. Given a vertical morphism in , the component of the unit may be depicted as follows: The triangle identities of an adjunction imply that:
the bottom boundary of is an identity morphism;
the component of at an identity vertical morphism is the identity cell on .
Given a cell in , naturality of states that the cells and are equal.
For each category , the horizontal double category —whose objects and horizontal morphisms come from , and whose vertical morphisms and cells are identities — is right-connected.
Viewing double categories as internal categories in , we can see that is the discrete internal category on , with identity-assigning map and codomain-assigning map are both the identity functor on and therefore adjoint to each other.
For each category , the double category of squares is both right-connected and left-connected.
More generally, if is a category equipped with a wide subcategory , the double category – whose objects and horizontal morphisms come from , whose vertical morphisms comes from , and whose cells are commutative squares – is both right-connected and left-connected.
If we modify the above example to consider only pullback squares or pushout squares, then it is no longer right-connected or left-connected; we must also modify the classes of vertical morphisms.
Consider a category equipped with a wide subcategory of monomorphisms stable under pullback along morphisms in . The double category — whose objects and horizontal morphisms come from , whose vertical morphisms comes from , and whose cells are pullback squares — is left-connected.
Dually, consider a category equipped with a wide subcategory of epimorphisms stable under pushout along morphisms in . The double category — whose objects and horizontal morphisms come from , whose vertical morphisms comes from , and whose cells are pushout squares — is right-connected.
Given a category , let denote the double category whose objects and horizontal morphisms come from , whose vertical morphisms are split epimorphisms with a chosen section, and whose cells are squares such that and . This double category is right-connected, since for each vertical morphism there is a cell: If has pullbacks, the codomain-assigning map of this double category is not only a left adjoint, but also a Grothendieck fibration, namely, the fibration of points.
The double category — whose objects are categories, whose horizontal morphisms are functors, whose vertical morphisms are split Grothendieck fibrations, and whose 2-morphisms are commutative squares which preserve chosen cartesian lifts? — is right-connected.
The double category — whose objects are categories, whose horizontal morphisms are functors, and whose vertical morphisms are delta lenses — is right-connected (see Clarke, Section 3.3).
The previous three examples (although Example only if has coproducts) are all instances of the following.
For each algebraic weak factorization system on a category , the double category - of -algebras is right-connected.
Consider an orthogonal factorization system on a category , where denotes the right class and denotes the left class. Then the double category is right-connected. This is a special case of both Example and Example .
If a double category is right-connected, then it has all 1-cotabulators.
If is a right-connected double category, then there is a double functor with assignment given below.
Let denote the functor underlying the double functor above.
In the terminology of Bourke & Garner, Section 2.8, a thin right-connected double category is an example of a concrete double category over .
Let denote the 2-functor which assigns a double category to its category of objects and horizontal morphisms. Let be the -functor which assigns each category to its horizontal double category (see Example ), and let be the -functor which assigns each category to its double category of squares (see Example ).
There is an adjoint triple of -functors:
(Idea) The component of the counit of the adjunction at a right-connected double category is given by the double functor determined by the pair of functors . The component of the unit of the adjunction is given in Proposition .
Let denote the -category of algebraic weak factorization systems. There is a -functor which assigns each algebraic weak factorisation system to its double category of -algebras (see Example ). The following theorem characterises the essential image of the this -functor.
The -functor has in its essential image exactly those right-connected double categories for which the functor is strictly monadic.
An orthogonal factorization system correspond exactly those right-connected double categories for which the functor is fully faithful and strictly monadic.
The notion was first defined in Section 3.5 of:
Further discussion of right-connected double categories appears in Section 2.5 of:
The example of the double category of delta lenses first appeared in:
Last revised on February 10, 2023 at 16:39:27. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.