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A simple group is a group with exactly two quotient groups: the trivial quotient group and the group itself.
Equivalently, a simple group is a group possessing exactly two normal subgroups: the trivial subgroup and the group itself. One can also say that a normal subgroup is trivial iff it is not , or trivial iff proper (compare the definition in constructive mathematics below).
Note that the trivial group does not itself count as simple, on the grounds that it has only one quotient group (or only one normal subgroup). It may be possible to find authors that use “at most” in place of “exactly”, thereby allowing the trivial group to be simple. (Compare too simple to be simple.)
In constructive mathematics, we consider a group equipped with a tight apartness such that the group operations are strongly extensional and use the theory of antisubgroups (which classically are the complements of subgroups). Then is simple if, given any normal antisubgroup of , is trivial iff it is proper. Explicitly, this says owns every nonidentity element (every such that ) iff is inhabited (with some such that necessarily ). Replacing ‘iff’ with ‘if’ here would allow the trival group to be simple.
Simple groups are most commonly encountered in the theory of finite groups. Every finite group admits a composition series, i.e., a finite filtration of subgroups
where each inclusion is a normal subgroup and the quotient (called a composition factor) is simple. The condition of simplicity means that that the filtration cannot be further refined by addition of strict inclusions of normal subgroups. Furthermore, the Jordan-Hölder theorem ensures that any two composition series have the same length and the same composition factors (up to permutation).
Thus finite simple groups are in some sense the primitive building blocks of finite groups generally. The massive program of classifying all finite simple groups was announced as completed by Daniel Gorenstein in 1983, although some doubts remained because there were some gaps in proofs. Most if not all the gaps are considered by experts in the area to have been filled, but there remain some notable skeptics, including for example Jean-Pierre Serre, who said in an interview
Whenever I asked the specialists, they replied something like: “Oh no, it is not a gap; it is just something which has not been written, but there is an incomplete unpublished 800-page manuscript on it.” For me, it was just the same as a “gap,” and I could not understand why it was not acknowledged as such. (Source)
and possibly also John H. Conway, although according to Joe Shipman,
A few months ago I was discussing the COFSG with John Conway and he was still pessimistic. (Meaning of course that he was confident the classification was correct, “optimistic” in his case means there are previously undiscovered finite simple groups, because they’re beautiful and interesting objects and it would be disappointing to have no more.)
See classification of finite simple groups.
Proposition 2.1. Let be a directed system of simple groups and monomorphisms between them. Then is also simple.
Proof. Suppose is a normal subgroup of with a non-identity element. Then is normal in (if and , then clearly belongs to both and ). As soon as is large enough that contains a non-identity element of , it follows from simplicity of that . By directedness, this shows for all , and since for any there is such that , we conclude , i.e., contains any . ▮
There are simple groups of any infinite cardinality ; take for example the smallest normal subgroup of the automorphism group containing all 3-cycles (this is the infinite version of the alternating group).
To see that is simple, it is enough to observe that it is a directed colimit of where ranges over finite subsets of of cardinality at least ; then simplicity of for integers , coupled with Proposition 2.1, yields the desired result.
A rather deeper set of examples is afforded by the following result, which follows from a theorem named after Baer, Ulam, and Schreier.
Theorem 2.2. For an infinite set , every proper normal subgroup of the permutation group is contained in a maximal such normal subgroup , consisting of all permutations that move fewer than many elements of , where is the cardinality of .
It follows that the quotient group is simple, and we have the following corollary.
Corollary 2.3. Every group embeds into a simple group.
Proof. For finite groups (WLOG, of cardinality at least ), we have the Cayley embedding into the permutation group of the underlying set, and there is an embedding which carries an even permutation on to the obvious even permutation on that fixes the elements of , and an odd permutation on to the even permutation . Hence embeds in a simple group .
An infinite group embeds in via the Cayley embedding
noting that for any non-identity , the permutation has no fixed points, hence does not belong to , so that is indeed monic. ▮
Among the infinite simple groups, there are curious examples called “Tarski monsters” for primes , infinite groups with the property that every subgroup is either trivial, of prime order , or the entire group. Their existence (for all primes , according to Wikipedia) was established only in 1979, by Olshanskii. It may be shown that all such groups must be simple, and generated by two elements, and also that for each prime there are continuum many monsters for that are distinct up to isomorphism.
Last revised on March 27, 2018 at 23:31:04. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.