nLab wreath product of wreaths

wreath product of wreaths


Higher algebra

2-Category theory

wreath product of wreaths


A wreath is a natural generalization of distributive law. Like the latter, it produces a sort of composite monad, the wreath product.

Formally, let EM(𝒦)EM(\mathcal{K}) be the free completion of a 2-category under EM EM objects. A wreath is an object in EM(EM(𝒦))EM(EM(\mathcal{K})), and since EMEM is a monad, it admits a multplication which is indeed the wreath product :EM(EM(𝒦))EM(𝒦)\wr : EM(EM(\mathcal{K})) \to EM(\mathcal{K}).


Let (A,(t,η,μ),(s,λ,σ,ν))(A,(t,\eta,\mu),(s, \lambda, \sigma, \nu)) be a wreath in 𝒦\mathcal{K}. Its wreath product is the monad on AA in 𝒦\mathcal{K} so defined:

  1. its carrier 1-cell is stst (first tt then ss),
  2. its unit is σ:1st\sigma : 1 \to st,
  3. its multiplication is
    ststsλtssttssμsstνtsttsμst stst \xrightarrow{s \lambda t} sstt \xrightarrow{ss \mu} sst \xrightarrow{\nu t} stt \xrightarrow{s\mu} st


Every distributive law is a wreath, and the wreath product of a distributive law qua wreath indeed coincides with the composite monad one would get out of the distributive law.


  • Steve Lack, Ross Street, The formal theory of monads II, Special volume celebrating the 70th birthday of Professor Max Kelly.

    J. Pure Appl. Algebra 175 (2002), no. 1-3, 243–265.

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