nLab zero-divisor

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Monoid theory



A zero-divisor is something that, like zero itself, when multiplied by something possibly nonzero still produces zero as a product.


Let MM be a absorption monoid (such as a commutative ring or any ring).

An element xx of MM is a non-zero-divisor if, whenever xy=0x \cdot y = 0 or yx=0y \cdot x = 0, then y=0y = 0.


An element xx is a zero-divisor if there exists y0y \ne 0 such that xy=0x \cdot y = 0 or yx=0y \cdot x = 0.

isZeroDivisor(x)yM.¬(y=0)((xy=0)(yx=0))\mathrm{isZeroDivisor}(x) \coloneqq \exists y \in M.\neg(y = 0) \Rightarrow ((x \cdot y = 0) \vee (y \cdot x = 0))

By this definition, zero itself is a zero-divisor if and only if MM is non-trivial (see too simple to be simple)

Alternatively, one can define a zero-divisor using a weakened version of negation from Lombardi & Quitté 2010 in the definition of zero divisor:


An element xx is a zero-divisor if there exists an element yy such that if y=0y = 0 then 1=01 = 0, and xy=0x \cdot y = 0 or yx=0y \cdot x = 0.

isZeroDivisor(x)yM.((y=0)(1=0))((xy=0)(yx=0))\mathrm{isZeroDivisor}\prime(x) \coloneqq \exists y \in M.((y = 0) \Rightarrow (1 = 0)) \wedge ((x \cdot y = 0) \vee (y \cdot x = 0))

By this definition, zero itself is also a zero divisor in the trivial monoid.

In constructive mathematics

By the antithesis interpretation of constructive mathematics we want \ne to be an arbitrary irreflexive symmetric relation and we want the monoid operation to be strongly extensional with respect to \ne as well. We also say that xx is a strong non-zero-divisor if, whenever y0y \ne 0, then xy0x \cdot y \ne 0 and yx0y \cdot x \ne 0.

If MM is (or may be) non-commutative, then we may distinguish left and right (non)-zero-divisors in the usual way.


An integral domain is precisely a commutative ring (whose multiplicative monoid is an absorption monoid by definition) in which zero is the unique zero-divisor of the multiplicative monoid of the commutative ring (or constructively, in which the strong non-zero-divisors are precisely the strong non-zero elements in the multiplicative monoid, that is those elements xx such that x0x \ne 0).

The non-zero-divisors of any absorption monoid MM form a monoid under multiplication, which may be denoted M ×M^{\times}. Note that if MM happens to be a field, then this M ×M^{\times} agrees with the usual notation M ×M^{\times} for the group of invertible elements of the multiplicative monoid MM, but M ×M^{\times} is not a group in general. (We may use M ÷M^{\div} or M *M^* for the group of invertible elements.)


If II is any ideal of MM, then we can generalise from a zero-divisor to an II-divisor. In a way, this is nothing new; xx is an II-divisor in MM if and only if [x][x] is a zero-divisor in M/IM/I. Ultimately, this is related to the notion of divisor in algebraic geometry.


Last revised on January 18, 2025 at 19:53:44. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.