symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
Similar to the way modules generalize abelian groups by adding the operation of taking non-integer multiples, an -algebra can be thought of as a generalization of a ring , where the operation of taking integer multiples (seen as iterated addition) has been extended to taking arbitrary multiples with coefficients in . In the trivial case, a -algebra is simply a ring.
For a commutative ring, an associative unital -algebra is equivalently:
a monoid internal to the category of -modules equipped with the tensor product of modules ;
a pointed single-object category enriched over ;
a pointed -algebroid with a single object;
an -module equipped with -linear maps and satisfying associativity and unitality;
a ring under such that the corresponding map lands in the center of .
If there is no danger for confusion, one often says simply ‘associative algebra’, or even only ‘algebra’.
More generally:
a (merely) associative algebra need not have a unit ; that is, it is a semigroup instead of a monoid;
an -ring is a monoid object in the category of -bimodules equipped with, crucially, the tensor product of bimodules.
Less generally, a commutative algebra (where associativity and unitality are usually assumed) is a commutative monoid objecy in .
For a given ring the algebras form a category, Alg, and the commutative algebras a subcategory, CommAlg.
Note that everywhere rings can be replaced by semi-rings in the previous paragraph. For example a commutative associative unital -algebra is nothing more than a commutative semi-ring with a semi-ring homomorphism .
Definition 2.1. Given a monoidal category , then a monoid internal to is
such that
(associativity) the following diagram commutes
where is the associator isomorphism of ;
(unitality) the following diagram commutes:
where and are the left and right unitor isomorphisms of .
Moreover, if has the structure of a symmetric monoidal category with symmetric braiding , then a monoid as above is called a commutative monoid in if in addition
(commutativity) the following diagram commutes
A homomorphism of monoids is a morphism
in , such that the following two diagrams commute
Write for the category of monoids in , and for its subcategory of commutative monoids.
Definition 2.2. Given a monoidal category , and given a monoid in (def. 2.1), then a left module object in over is
such that
(unitality) the following diagram commutes:
where is the left unitor isomorphism of .
(action property) the following diagram commutes
A homomorphism of left -module objects
is a morphism
in , such that the following diagram commutes:
For the resulting category of modules of left -modules in with -module homomorphisms between them, we write
This is naturally a (pointed) topologically enriched category itself.
Definition 2.3. Given a (pointed) topological symmetric monoidal category , given a commutative monoid in (def. 2.1), and given and two left -module objects (def.2.1), then the tensor product of modules is, if it exists, the coequalizer
Proposition 2.4. Given a symmetric monoidal category (def. ), and given a commutative monoid in (def. 2.1). If all coequalizers exist in , then the tensor product of modules from def. 2.3 makes the category of modules into a symmetric monoidal category, with tensor unit the object itself.
Definition 2.5. Given a monoidal category of modules as in prop. 2.4, then a monoid in (def. 2.1) is called an -algebra.
Proposition 2.6. Given a monoidal category of modules in a monoidal category as in prop. 2.4, and an -algebra (def. 2.5), then there is an equivalence of categories
between the category of commutative monoids in and the coslice category of commutative monoids in under , hence between commutative -algebras in and commutative monoids in that are equipped with a homomorphism of monoids .
(e.g. EKMM 97, VII lemma 1.3)
Proof. In one direction, consider a -algebra with unit and product . There is the underlying product
By considering a diagram of such coequalizer diagrams with middle vertical morphism , one find that this is a unit for and that is a commutative monoid in .
Then consider the two conditions on the unit . First of all this is an -module homomorphism, which means that
commutes. Moreover it satisfies the unit property
By forgetting the tensor product over , the latter gives
where the top vertical morphisms on the left the canonical coequalizers, which identifies the vertical composites on the right as shown. Hence this may be pasted to the square above, to yield a commuting square
This shows that the unit is a homomorphism of monoids .
Now for the converse direction, assume that and are two commutative monoids in with a monoid homomorphism. Then inherits a left -module structure by
By commutativity and associativity it follows that coequalizes the two induced morphisms . Hence the universal property of the coequalizer gives a factorization through some . This shows that is a commutative -algebra.
Finally one checks that these two constructions are inverses to each other, up to isomorphism. ▮
A cosimplicial algebra is a cosimplicial object in the category of algebras.
A dg-algebra is a monoid not in Vect but in the category of (co)chain complexes.
A smooth algebra is an associative -algebra that has not only the usual binary product induced from the product , but has a -ary product operation for every smooth function .
This may be understood as a special case of an algebra over a Lawvere theory, here the Lawvere theory CartSp.
Tannaka duality for categories of modules over monoids/associative algebras
monoid/associative algebra | category of modules |
-algebra | -2-module |
sesquialgebra | 2-ring = monoidal presentable category with colimit-preserving tensor product |
bialgebra | strict 2-ring: monoidal category with fiber functor |
Hopf algebra | rigid monoidal category with fiber functor |
hopfish algebra (correct version) | rigid monoidal category (without fiber functor) |
weak Hopf algebra | fusion category with generalized fiber functor |
quasitriangular bialgebra | braided monoidal category with fiber functor |
triangular bialgebra | symmetric monoidal category with fiber functor |
quasitriangular Hopf algebra (quantum group) | rigid braided monoidal category with fiber functor |
triangular Hopf algebra | rigid symmetric monoidal category with fiber functor |
supercommutative Hopf algebra (supergroup) | rigid symmetric monoidal category with fiber functor and Schur smallness |
form Drinfeld double | form Drinfeld center |
trialgebra | Hopf monoidal category |
2-Tannaka duality for module categories over monoidal categories
monoidal category | 2-category of module categories |
-2-algebra | -3-module |
Hopf monoidal category | monoidal 2-category (with some duality and strictness structure) |
3-Tannaka duality for module 2-categories over monoidal 2-categories
monoidal 2-category | 3-category of module 2-categories |
-3-algebra | -4-module |
See most references on algebra.
See also:
Discussion in the generality of brave new algebra:
Last revised on September 19, 2023 at 06:43:49. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.